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avaya 1110 + asterisk


Приветствую. Появилась задача подключить некоторое кол-во аппаратов к астериску, до это с ними не сталкивался. В процессе возник 1 вопрос и одна (пока, гы) проблема. Вопрос - где можно найти описание параметров файлов провизионинга, в основном попадаются куцые примеры без особоых комментариев.

Проблема. Нет звука при звонках с/на/между аваями. Телефоны зареганы, в unistim.conf прописаны, звонки ходют, а вот звука нет. Все находится в одной локальной сети, фаервол выключен. Астериск 1.8.20

unistim.conf выглядит так:

port=5000                    ; UDP port

rtp_port=10000              ; RTP port used by the phone, default = 10000. RTCP = rtp_port+1
rtp_method=1                ; If you don't have sound, you can try 1, 2 or 3, default = 0
line => 3998
ringvolume=3                ; ring volume : 0,1,2,3, can be overrided by Dial(), default = 2

rtp_port=10000              ; RTP port used by the phone, default = 10000. RTCP = rtp_port+1
rtp_method=0                ; If you don't have sound, you can try 1, 2 or 3, default = 0
line => 3997
ringvolume=3                ; ring volume : 0,1,2,3, can be overrided by Dial(), default = 2

лог звонка:

[Mar  6 13:03:37] VERBOSE[4189] app_dial.c:     -- Called USTM/3998@3998
[Mar  6 13:03:37] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c:     -- Asked to indicate 'Remote end is ringing' condition on channel 3997@3997-0
[Mar  6 13:03:37] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c: Sending text at pos 64, inverse flag 5
[Mar  6 13:03:37] VERBOSE[4189] app_dial.c:     -- 3998@3998-0 is ringing
[Mar  6 13:03:37] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c:     -- Asked to indicate 'Remote end is ringing' condition on channel 3997@3997-0
[Mar  6 13:03:37] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c: Sending text at pos 64, inverse flag 5
[Mar  6 13:03:37] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Request received
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Request received
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Handset off hook
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending select output packet output=c0 volume=1 mute=0
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending led_update (18)
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending favorite pos 0 with status 0x24
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending led_update (8)
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending led_update (10)
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending no ring packet
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Handle Call Incoming for 3998@3998
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Starting RTP. Bind on
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: RTP started : Our IP/port is : with codec ulaw
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Starting phone RTP stack. Our public IP is
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending packet_send_rtp_packet_size for codec unknown
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending Jitter Buffer Parameters Configuration
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending packet_send_call default method
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending text at pos 64, inverse flag 5
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending status text
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending start timer
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending select output packet output=c0 volume=1 mute=0
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending led_update (18)
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending favorite pos 0 with status 0x24
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending led_update (8)
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending led_update (10)
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[4189] app_dial.c:     -- 3998@3998-0 answered 3997@3997-0
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c:     -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel 3997@3997-0
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c: unistim_answer(3997@3997-0) on 3997@3997-0
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c: Sending text at pos 64, inverse flag 5
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c: Sending status text
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c: Sending start timer
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c:     -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel 3997@3997-0
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c:     -- Asked to indicate 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel 3997@3997-0
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[4189] chan_unistim.c:     -- Asked to indicate 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel 3998@3998-0
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[4189] rtp_engine.c:     -- Locally bridging 3997@3997-0 and 3998@3998-0
[Mar  6 13:03:42] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Request received
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Request received
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Handset on hook
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending stop timer
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending Stream Based Tone Off
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending select output packet output=c0 volume=1 mute=ce
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending favorite pos 0 with status 0x24
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending led_update (8)
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending led_update (10)
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending favorite pos 0 with status 0x20
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending status text
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending text at pos 32, inverse flag 5
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending text at pos 0, inverse flag 5
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending text at pos 64, inverse flag 5
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending title text
[Mar  6 13:03:49] VERBOSE[3369] chan_unistim.c: Sending favorite pos 0 with status 0x20

Что делать? P.S. С rtp_method играть пытался, но в слепую без описания (не нашел, может кто подскажет где есть) что к чему результата не принесло.

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спросил 2013-03-06 13:56:48 +0400

lash Gravatar lash
167 7 2 10

обновил 2013-03-06 14:18:30 +0400


Очень походит на Nortel 1110 :-)

У http://asterisk-support.ru/users/95/igorg/ спроси.

bolshoy_plohish ( 2013-03-06 16:11:55 +0400 )редактировать

написал уже на мыло с "офсайта" unistim, только на него и надежда...

lash ( 2013-03-06 17:19:34 +0400 )редактировать

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Задан: 2013-03-06 13:56:48 +0400

Просмотрен: 665 раз

Обновлен: Mar 06 '13

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