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Asterisk 15.2.2 menuselect issue


При установке Asterisk 15.2.2 когда запускаю make menuselect

получаю следующие ошибки:

The existing menuselect.makeopts file did not specify that 'codec_codec2' should not be included. However, either some dependencies for this module were not found or a conflict exists.

Either run 'make menuselect' or remove the existing menuselect.makeopts file to resolve this issue.

The existing menuselect.makeopts file did not specify that 'test_channel' should not be included. However, either some dependencies for this module were not found or a conflict exists.

Either run 'make menuselect' or remove the existing menuselect.makeopts file to resolve this issue.

The existing menuselect.makeopts file did not specify that 'test_conversions' should not be included. However, either some dependencies for this module were not found or a conflict exists.

Either run 'make menuselect' or remove the existing menuselect.makeopts file to resolve this issue.

The existing menuselect.makeopts file did not specify that 'test_sdp' should not be included. However, either some dependencies for this module were not found or a conflict exists.

Either run 'make menuselect' or remove the existing menuselect.makeopts file to resolve this issue.

The existing menuselect.makeopts file did not specify that 'test_stream' should not be included. However, either some dependencies for this module were not found or a conflict exists.

Either run 'make menuselect' or remove the existing menuselect.makeopts file to resolve this issue.

make[1]: * [menuselect.makeopts] Error 255 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk-15.2.2' make: * [menuselect] Error 2

Как можно это исправить?

удалить закрыть спам изменить тег редактировать

спросил 2018-03-05 13:18:22 +0400

анонимный пользователь



Нужно натравить переводчик и сделать что просят.

zzuz ( 2018-03-05 13:45:29 +0400 )редактировать

Да я и без переводчика умею читать. Разобрался.

demitrol ( 2018-03-05 16:46:49 +0400 )редактировать

1 Ответ


в каталоге с исходникакми выполнить

make menuselect

после чего убрать опции, которые написаны выше.

ссылка удалить спам редактировать

ответил 2018-03-05 16:32:15 +0400

meral Gravatar meral flag of Ukraine
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Задан: 2018-03-05 13:18:22 +0400

Просмотрен: 926 раз

Обновлен: Mar 05 '18

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