дописал вопрос... по ходу не стартует, да. Как исправить?
thunderamur ( 2012-07-31 04:05:58 +0400 )редактироватьubuntu-12.04-server-amd64
apt-get install asterisk hylafax-server iaxmodem
root@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# cat /etc/iaxmodem/ttyIAX0
device /dev/ttyIAX0
owner uucp:uucp
mode 660
port 4570
refresh 60
peername iaxmodem0
secret ***
cidname ***
cidnumber ***
codec alaw
root@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# cat iax.conf
root@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# cat extensions.conf
перезапускаем все сервисы
root@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# service asterisk restart
Stopping Asterisk PBX: asterisk.
Starting Asterisk PBX: asterisk.
root@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# service iaxmodem restart
Restarting iaxmodem: iaxmodem.
root@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# service hylafax restart
* Stopping HylaFAX faxq [ OK ]
* Starting HylaFAX syncing directories... [ OK ]
Смотрим консоль Астериска
asterisk-dk*CLI> iax2 show peers
Name/Username Host Mask Port Status
iaxmodem0/iaxmo (D) 4570 OK (1 ms)
iaxmodem1/iaxmo (D) 4571 OK (1 ms)
2 iax2 peers [2 online, 0 offline, 0 unmonitored]
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Executing [999@outgoing-calls:1] Dial("SIP/150-00000000", "iax2/iaxmodem0,10,r") in new stack
-- Called iax2/iaxmodem0
-- Call accepted by (format alaw)
-- Format for call is alaw
-- IAX2/iaxmodem0-7233 is ringing
-- Hungup 'IAX2/iaxmodem0-7233'
== Spawn extension (outgoing-calls, 999, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/150-00000000'
Писка в трубке не слышу. Подскажите, пожалуйста, где я ошибся.
root@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# ps aux | grep faxgetty
root 10688 0.0 0.0 10620 888 pts/1 S+ 09:57 0:00 grep --color=auto faxgetty
root@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# faxgetty ttyIAX0
^Croot@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# /usr/sbin/faxgetty ttyIAX0
^Croot@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# ps aux | grep faxgetty
root 10695 0.0 0.0 10620 884 pts/1 S+ 09:58 0:00 grep --color=auto faxgetty
root@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# service hylafax restart
* Stopping HylaFAX faxq [ OK ]
* Starting HylaFAX syncing directories... [ OK ]
root@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# ps aux | grep faxgetty
root 10770 0.0 0.0 10620 884 pts/1 S+ 09:58 0:00 grep --color=auto faxgetty
и вот интересный момент
root@asterisk-dk:/etc/asterisk# dpkg-reconfigure hylafax-server
* Stopping HylaFAX faxq [ OK ]
* Stopping HylaFAX faxq [ OK ]
Setup program for HylaFAX (tm) 6.0.5.
Created for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu on Mon Mar 26 10:58:20 UTC 2012.
Reading cached parameters from /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.cache.
Found base64 encoder: /usr/bin/base64
Found Quoted-Printable encoder: qp-encode
Found mimencode for compatibilty: mimencode
Checking system for proper server configuration.
Warning: /etc/hylafax/getty-link does not exist or is not an executable program!
The file:
does not exist or this file is not an executable program. The
HylaFAX software optionally uses this program and the fact that
it does not exist on the system is not a fatal error. If the
program resides in a different location and you do not want to
install a symbolic link for /etc/hylafax/getty-link that points to your program
then you must reconfigure and rebuild HylaFAX from source code.
Warning: /etc/hylafax/vgetty-link does not exist or is not an executable program!
The file:
does not exist or this file is not an executable program. The
HylaFAX software optionally uses this program and the fact that
it does not exist on the system is not a fatal error. If the
program resides in a different location and you do not want to
install a symbolic link for /etc/hylafax/vgetty-link that points to your program
then you must reconfigure and rebuild HylaFAX from source code.
Warning: /etc/hylafax/egetty-link does not exist or is not an executable program!
The file:
does not exist or this file is not an executable program. The
HylaFAX software optionally uses this program and the fact that
it does not exist on the system is not a fatal error. If the
program resides in a different location and you do not want to
install a symbolic link for /etc/hylafax/egetty-link that points to your program
then you must reconfigure and rebuild HylaFAX from source code.
Make /var/spool/hylafax/bin/ps2fax a link to /var/spool/hylafax/bin/ps2fax.gs.
Make /var/spool/hylafax/bin/pdf2fax a link to /var/spool/hylafax/bin/pdf2fax.gs.
Update /var/spool/hylafax/status/any.info.
HylaFAX configuration parameters are:
[1] Init script starts faxq: yes
[2] Init script starts hfaxd yes
[3] Start paging protocol: no
Are these ok [yes]?
Modem support functions written to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.modem.
Configuration parameters written to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.cache.
Restarting HylaFAX server processes.
Should I restart the HylaFAX server processes [yes]?
You do not appear to have any modems configured for use. Modems are
configured for use with HylaFAX with the faxaddmodem(8) command.
Do you want to run faxaddmodem to configure a modem [yes]?
Done verifying system setup.
Updating /etc/hylafax/setup.modem from /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.modem.
* Starting HylaFAX syncing directories...
Бъла уже подобная ошибка проверьте работает ли faxgetty.
ps aux | grep faxgetty
если нет
/usr/sbin/faxgetty ttyIAX0
дописал вопрос... по ходу не стартует, да. Как исправить?
thunderamur ( 2012-07-31 04:05:58 +0400 )редактироватьСудя по логу iaxmodem не успевает ответить на вызов. Проверьте настройку RingsBeforeAnswer. Или увеличьте таймаут в Dial().
Вот пример рабочего config.ttyIAX0:
CountryCode: 7
AreaCode: 495
FAXNumber: +
LongDistancePrefix: 0
InternationalPrefix: 00
DialStringRules: etc/dialrules
ServerTracing: 0xFFF
SessionTracing: 0xFFF
RecvFileMode: 0600
LogFileMode: 0600
DeviceMode: 0600
RingsBeforeAnswer: 1
SpeakerVolume: off
GettyArgs: "-h %l dx_%s"
LocalIdentifier: "Horse21"
TagLineFont: etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat: "From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
MaxRecvPages: 200
ModemType: Class1 # use this to supply a hint
Class1AdaptRecvCmd: AT+FAR=1
Class1TMConnectDelay: 400 # counteract quick CONNECT response
ModemResetCmds: AT+VCID=1 # enables CallID display
PagerTTYParity: none
CallIDPattern: "NMBR="
CallIDPattern: "NAME="
CallIDPattern: "ANID="
CallIDPattern: "NDID="
тайаут до 30 ничего не дал, конфиг пока не пробовал.
thunderamur ( 2012-07-31 04:02:41 +0400 )редактироватьЗадан: 2012-07-30 11:10:43 +0400
Просмотрен: 4,586 раз
Обновлен: Jul 31 '12
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