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Asterisk+sccp+cisco 7962


Сильно не журите, но у меня не работает =((, Sccp я установил, sccp.conf (настройки сдул с интернета и чуть чуть подправил): [general] keepalive = 10 ;IMPORTANT: 5secs. lead to trouble with 7960

context = custom-test
dateFormat = D.M.YA ; M-D-Y in any order (5 chars max)
bindaddr = ; replace with the ip address
asterisk server
port = 2000 ; listen on port 2000 (Skinny, default)
debug = 4
accountcode=skinny ; accountcode to ease billing
callwaiting_tone = 0x2d ; sets to 0 to disable the
callwaiting tone
language=ru ; Default language setting this setting also
sets the voicemailbox language
echocancel = on ; sets the phone echocancel for all devices
silencesuppression = off ; sets the silence suppression for
all devices
callgroup= 1
pickupgroup= 1
cfwdall = off ; activate the callforward ALL stuff and
cfwdbusy = off ; activate the callforward BUSY stuff and
private = on ; permit the private function softkey
dnd = reject ; turn on the dnd softkey for all devices.
Valid values are "off", "on" (busy s$
mwioncall = off
mwilamp = off
firstdigittimeout = 8 ; dialing timeout for the 1st digit
digittimeout = 5 ; more digits
digittimeoutchat = #
disallow = all
allow = alaw
allow = ulaw
удалить закрыть спам изменить тег редактировать

спросил 2011-07-26 12:05:04 +0400

blblblbl Gravatar blblblbl
51 3 8

обновил 2011-07-26 12:07:02 +0400


что-nо полностью не влезло =( blblblbl ( 2011-07-26 12:06:40 +0400 )редактировать

7 Ответов



<member priority="0">

прошивка лежит в /tftpboot и не работает =( он даже подсосать прошиву не может=(

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ответил 2011-07-26 12:11:10 +0400

blblblbl Gravatar blblblbl
51 3 8


хаха из-за точки все проблемы были =)) blblblbl ( 2011-07-27 07:31:37 +0400 )редактировать

нужно ли создавать в вебморде (или еще где) эти номера которые прописаны в sccp.conf?

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ответил 2011-07-28 14:31:41 +0400

blblblbl Gravatar blblblbl
51 3 8
    type = 7962
    description = test
    tzoffset = 0
    autologin = 66899
    device => SEPC0626B63C371

    id = 66899 ; future use
    pin = 1234 ; future use
    label = 66899 ; button line label (7960, 7970, 7940, 7920)
    description = Kochkin.sv ; top diplay description
    context = custom-test
    callwaiting = 1
    incominglimit = 2 ; more than 1 incoming call = call
    mailbox = 66899 ; voicemail.conf (syntax:
    vmnum = *97 ; speeddial for voicemail administration, just
    a number to dial
    cid_name = Stanislav Kochkin ; caller id name
    cid_num = 66899
    line => 66899
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ответил 2011-07-26 12:10:35 +0400

blblblbl Gravatar blblblbl
51 3 8

у меня телефон зарегистрировался. потом я что-то поменял и теперь постоянно registring крутит. уде все перекапал и вернул - и хоть ты тресни =((( подскажите как убедится что точно канал sccp загружен? sccp show devices мне выдает пустоту - хотя в как я уже увидил в примерах, должно быть что-то типа этого: NAME ADDRESS MAC Reg. State ================ =============== ================ ========== IP Communicator -- SEP0018DE4C57E8 None IP Communicator -- SEP0013E8B995CD None IP Communicator -- SEP0001297406F1 Non

и он должен ждать мою железку.

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ответил 2011-07-28 06:56:40 +0400

blblblbl Gravatar blblblbl
51 3 8


если бы он не был подгружен, то выдавалось бы, что нет такой команды zlat ( 2011-07-28 07:24:48 +0400 )редактировать
module show like zlat ( 2011-07-28 07:24:53 +0400 )редактировать

Loaded chansccp.so == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sccp.conf': == Found == Registered channel type 'SCCP' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP)) == Manager registered action SCCPListDevices == Manager registered action SCCPListLines == Manager registered action SCCPDeviceRestart == Manager registered action SCCPDeviceAddLine
== Manager registered action SCCPDeviceUpdate == Manager registered action SCCPLineForwardUpdate == Registered application 'SetCalledParty' == Registered application 'SetMessage'
== Registered custom function 'SCCPDEVICE' == Registered custom function 'SCCPLINE' == Registered custom function 'SCCPCHANNEL' Loaded chan
sccp.so => (Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP). Release: 3.0 RC3.1 (built by 'root' on '2011-07-28 07:16:30 UTC')) elastix*CLI> sccp show devices

registring крутит хоть убейся!!! дайте рабочий пример sccp.conf`а

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ответил 2011-07-28 09:13:21 +0400

blblblbl Gravatar blblblbl
51 3 8

что в конфиге не так?

[general] keepalive = 10 ;IMPORTANT: 5secs. lead to trouble with 7960 context = custom-test dateFormat = D.M.YA ; M-D-Y in any order (5 chars max) bindaddr = ; replace with the ip address of the asterisk server port = 2000 ; listen on port 2000 (Skinny, default) debug = 4 accountcode=skinny ; accountcode to ease billing callwaiting_tone = 0x2d ; sets to 0 to disable the callwaiting tone language=ru ; Default language setting this setting also sets the voicemailbox language echocancel = on ; sets the phone echocancel for all devices silencesuppression = off ; sets the silence suppression for all devices callgroup= 1 pickupgroup= 1 cfwdall = off ; activate the callforward ALL stuff and softkeys cfwdbusy = off ; activate the callforward BUSY stuff and softkeys private = on ; permit the private function softkey dnd = reject ; turn on the dnd softkey for all devices. Valid values are "off", "on" (busy s$ mwioncall = off mwilamp = off firstdigittimeout = 8 ; dialing timeout for the 1st digit digittimeout = 5 ; more digits digittimeoutchat = # disallow = all allow = alaw allow = ulaw

[devices] type = 7960 description = test tzoffset = 0 autologin = 220 imageversion=SCCP42.8-4-2S device => SEPC0626B63C342

[lines] id = 6000 ; future use pin = 6000 ; future use label = 6000 ; button line label (7960, 7970, 7940, 7920) description = A. Ruzhnikov ; top diplay description context = custom-test callwaiting = 1 incominglimit = 2 ; more than 1 incoming call = call waiting mailbox = 220 ; voicemail.conf (syntax: vmbox@context:folder) vmnum = *97 ; speeddial for voicemail administration, just a number to dial cidname = Aleksandr Ruzhnikov ; caller id name cidnum = 6000 line => 6000

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ответил 2011-07-28 14:55:05 +0400

blblblbl Gravatar blblblbl
51 3 8


<member priority="0">
</loadInformation404 model="Cisco IP Phone 7962">SCCP42.8-4-2S</loadInformation404>
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ответил 2011-07-26 12:10:52 +0400

blblblbl Gravatar blblblbl
51 3 8

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Задан: 2011-07-26 12:05:04 +0400

Просмотрен: 1,606 раз

Обновлен: Jul 28 '11

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