Непонятный трабл с исходящими факсами. Принимающий поднимает трубку и сразу отбой. Вот логи этого момента:
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[2685] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[2685] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [2112604@from-internal:1] Macro("SIP/103-000003b4", "user-callerid,LIMIT,") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:1] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "AMPUSER=103") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:2] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?report") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:3] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?Set(REALCALLERIDNUM=103)") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:4] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "AMPUSER=103") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:5] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "AMPUSERCIDNAME=103") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:6] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?report") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:7] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "AMPUSERCID=103") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:8] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "CALLERID(all)="103" <103>") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:9] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?limit") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:10] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?Set(GROUP(concurrency_limit)=103)") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:11] GosubIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "7?sub-ccss,s,1(from-internal,2112604)") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@sub-ccss:1] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?Return()") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@sub-ccss:2] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "CCSS_SETUP=TRUE") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@sub-ccss:3] GosubIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?monitor_config,1(from-internal,2112604):monitor_default,1(from-internal,2112604)") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [monitor_default@sub-ccss:1] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?is_exten") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [monitor_default@sub-ccss:2] StackPop("SIP/103-000003b4", "") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [monitor_default@sub-ccss:3] Return("SIP/103-000003b4", "FALSE") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:12] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?Set(CHANNEL(language)=)") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:13] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?continue") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,26)
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:26] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "CALLERID(number)=103") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:27] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "CALLERID(name)=103") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:28] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "CHANNEL(language)=ru") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [2112604@from-internal:2] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "MOHCLASS=default") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [2112604@from-internal:3] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "_NODEST=") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [2112604@from-internal:4] Macro("SIP/103-000003b4", "record-enable,103,OUT,") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:1] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?check") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Goto (macro-record-enable,s,4)
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:4] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?MacroExit()") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:5] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?Group:OUT") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Goto (macro-record-enable,s,14)
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:14] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?IN") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:15] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?MacroExit()") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:16] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "CALLFILENAME=OUT103-20120521-162352-1337592232.1143") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:17] Goto("SIP/103-000003b4", "record") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Goto (macro-record-enable,s,20)
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] WARNING[26651] func_strings.c: EVAL requires an argument: EVAL(<string>)
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:20] MixMonitor("SIP/103-000003b4", "OUT103-20120521-162352-1337592232.1143.wav,,") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:21] MacroExit("SIP/103-000003b4", "") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [2112604@from-internal:5] Macro("SIP/103-000003b4", "dialout-trunk,2,83832112604,") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:1] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "DIAL_TRUNK=2") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:2] GosubIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?sub-pincheck,s,1") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:3] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?disabletrunk,1") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:4] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "DIAL_NUMBER=83832112604") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:5] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "DIAL_TRUNK_OPTIONS=tr") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:6] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "OUTBOUND_GROUP=OUT_2") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:7] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?nomax") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Goto (macro-dialout-trunk,s,9)
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:9] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?skipoutcid") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:10] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "DIAL_TRUNK_OPTIONS=") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:11] Macro("SIP/103-000003b4", "outbound-callerid,2") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:1] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?Set(CALLERPRES()=)") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:2] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?Set(REALCALLERIDNUM=103)") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:3] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?normcid") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,6)
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:6] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "USEROUTCID=") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:7] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "EMERGENCYCID=") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:8] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "TRUNKOUTCID=3191292") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:9] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?trunkcid") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Goto (macro-outbound-callerid,s,12)
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:12] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?Set(CALLERID(all)=3191292)") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:13] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?Set(CALLERID(all)=)") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:14] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?Set(CALLERID(all)=3191292)") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:15] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?Set(CALLERPRES()=prohib_passed_screen)") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:12] GosubIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?sub-flp-2,s,1") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@sub-flp-2:1] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?Return()") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:13] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "OUTNUM=83832112604") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:14] Set("SIP/103-000003b4", "custom=SIP/PEER_73833191292") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:15] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?Set(DIAL_TRUNK_OPTIONS=M(setmusic^default))") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:16] ExecIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?Set(DIAL_TRUNK_OPTIONS=M(confirm))") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:17] Macro("SIP/103-000003b4", "dialout-trunk-predial-hook,") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook:1] MacroExit("SIP/103-000003b4", "") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:18] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?bypass,1") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:19] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "0?customtrunk") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:20] Dial("SIP/103-000003b4", "SIP/PEER_73833191292/83832112604,300,") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] netsock2.c: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26651] app_dial.c: -- Called SIP/PEER_73833191292/83832112604
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[26652] app_mixmonitor.c: == Begin MixMonitor Recording SIP/103-000003b4
[2012-05-21 16:23:52] VERBOSE[2659] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 103[ext-local] new state InUse for Notify User 100
[2012-05-21 16:23:53] VERBOSE[26651] app_dial.c: -- SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5 is ringing
[2012-05-21 16:23:53] VERBOSE[26651] app_dial.c: -- SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5 is ringing
[2012-05-21 16:23:57] VERBOSE[26651] app_dial.c: -- SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5 answered SIP/103-000003b4
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26651] chan_sip.c: == Redirecting 'SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5' to fax extension due to CNG detection
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@macro-dialout-trunk:1] Macro("SIP/103-000003b4", "hangupcall,") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:1] GotoIf("SIP/103-000003b4", "1?theend") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,3)
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:3] Hangup("SIP/103-000003b4", "") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26651] app_macro.c: == Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/103-000003b4' in macro 'hangupcall'
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26651] features.c: == Spawn extension (macro-dialout-trunk, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/103-000003b4'
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26653] pbx.c: -- Executing [fax@from-trunk-sip-PEER_73833191292:1] Set("SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5", "GROUP()=OUT_2") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26653] pbx.c: -- Executing [fax@from-trunk-sip-PEER_73833191292:2] Goto("SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5", "from-trunk,fax,1") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26653] pbx.c: -- Goto (from-trunk,fax,1)
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26653] pbx.c: -- Executing [fax@from-trunk:1] Goto("SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5", ",,") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] NOTICE[26653] pbx.c: Cannot find extension context ''
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] WARNING[26653] pbx.c: Priority '' must be a number > 0, or valid label
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26653] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (from-trunk, fax, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5'
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26653] pbx.c: -- Executing [h@from-trunk:1] Macro("SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5", "hangupcall,") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26653] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:1] GotoIf("SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5", "1?theend") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26653] pbx.c: -- Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,3)
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26653] pbx.c: -- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:3] Hangup("SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5", "") in new stack
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26653] app_macro.c: == Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5' in macro 'hangupcall'
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26653] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (from-trunk, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/PEER_73833191292-000003b5'
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26651] app_macro.c: == Spawn extension (macro-dialout-trunk, s, 20) exited non-zero on 'SIP/103-000003b4' in macro 'dialout-trunk'
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26651] pbx.c: == Spawn extension (from-internal, 2112604, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/103-000003b4'
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26652] app_mixmonitor.c: == MixMonitor close filestream
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[26652] app_mixmonitor.c: == End MixMonitor Recording SIP/103-000003b4
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] VERBOSE[2659] chan_sip.c: == Extension Changed 103[ext-local] new state Idle for Notify User 100 (queued)
прошу совет где копать...
Задан: 2012-05-21 13:49:30 +0400
Просмотрен: 327 раз
Обновлен: May 21 '12
Проект компании "АТС Дизайн"
Asterisk® и Digium® являются зарегистрированными торговыми марками компании
Digium, Inc., США.
IP АТС Asterisk распространяется под лицензией
Для начала. Что это? Это не голый астериск, какая это сборка?
Как настроены факсы? G711, T38 ?
С какого номера звонили, а то кусок лога большой довольно. И меня смущает вот это
"[2012-05-21 16:23:59] NOTICE[26653] pbx.c: Cannot find extension context ''
[2012-05-21 16:23:59] WARNING[26653] pbx.c: Priority '' must be a number > 0, or valid label"
Ну и конечно обычные звонки на этот номер идут? Или там автоматический факс? Как подключен факс к астреру тоже непонятно.
Злобный Мыш ( 2012-05-21 14:37:06 +0400 )редактироватьсборка freepbx одна из последних. Звонили с номера 3191292 (он же внутренний 103на котором факс) на 2112604(который стоит на 3CX заведен на факс сервер 888). В настройках факса в общем ничего такого нет. Меня тоже смутили эти две строчки.
raimond ( 2012-05-22 07:21:56 +0400 )редактировать