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Долго копавшись нашел. Оказывается такая функция есть у x-lite 4 версии.
https://support.counterpath.com/default.asp?W366">How do I add a pause in a dialed number so I can access an extension?
This feature is supported in Bria 3 and X-Lite 4.If you know that your call will be answered by an auto attendant and you know what menu items you will choose, you can include those menu items in the phone number when you dial it. You can also include pauses to allow the other side to answer the phone or respond.
You can do this to dial an extension, or log into a voicemail or conference server, or select from any menu.
Key the number in the call field. Then type a capital X or P to denote a .5 second pause and then the extension (for example). End the string with a ";" semicolon (required at the end to tell Bria/X-Lite to process the pauses and turn digits into DTMF sounds).
Example 1: The number dialed is 1234567890, and when an automated answer machine asks for the extension, 1234 is dialed. Enter the following in the call field:
When the call button is pressed, the softphone will dial the number (1234567890) then pause for 1.5 seconds, then send DTMF for extension 1234.
Example 2: To walk your way through a menu, enter:
This example dials the number then waits 6 seconds, hits 1, waits 2 seconds, hits 3, waits 2 seconds, and finally hits 2.
По поводу опции D у команды Dial, у меня все настройки произведена из FreePBX и чтоб грамотно вставить в конфиги эту поцию и ничего не поломать надо очень постараться.
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Долго копавшись нашел. Оказывается такая функция есть у x-lite 4 версии.
https://support.counterpath.com/default.asp?W366">How do I add a pause in a dialed number so I can access an extension?
This feature is supported in Bria 3 and X-Lite 4.If you know that your call will be answered by an auto attendant and you know what menu items you will choose, you can include those menu items in the phone number when you dial it. You can also include pauses to allow the other side to answer the phone or respond.
You can do this to dial an extension, or log into a voicemail or conference server, or select from any menu.
Key the number in the call field. Then type a capital X or P to denote a .5 second pause and then the extension (for example). End the string with a ";" semicolon (required at the end to tell Bria/X-Lite to process the pauses and turn digits into DTMF sounds).
Example 1: The number dialed is 1234567890, and when an automated answer machine asks for the extension, 1234 is dialed. Enter the following in the call field:
When the call button is pressed, the softphone will dial the number (1234567890) then pause for 1.5 seconds, then send DTMF for extension 1234.
Example 2: To walk your way through a menu, enter:
This example dials the number then waits 6 seconds, hits 1, waits 2 seconds, hits 3, waits 2 seconds, and finally hits 2.
В двух словах: пауза в 0.5 сек. реализуется вставкой большой латинской буквы P или Х. Для реализации более длинных пауз символы ставятся подряд. Строчка обязательно должна заканчиваться символом ";" (без кавычек). Это над для того, чтоб программа восприняла буквы именно как символы паузы, а не как часть набираемого номера.
По поводу опции D у команды Dial, у меня все настройки произведена из FreePBX и чтоб грамотно вставить в конфиги эту поцию и ничего не поломать надо очень постараться.
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