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спросил Jun 4 '12

savva Gravatar savva

Переадресация звонков в Asterisk не работает

Необходимо сделать перенаправление звонков.

Вот мой диалплан:

exten => 6004,1,Dial(SIP/6004,15,t)
exten => 6003,1,Dial(SIP/6003,15,t)
exten => 6001,1,Dial(SIP/6001,15,t)

Вот мой featuremap

blindxfer => #1 ; Blind transfer (default is #) -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
disconnect => *0 ; Disconnect (default is *) -- Make sure to set the H and/or h option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
automon => *1 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch Monitor -- Make sure to set the W and/or w option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
atxfer => *2 ; Attended transfer -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
parkcall => #72 ; Park call (one step parking) -- Make sure to set the K and/or k option in the Dial() app call!
automixmon => *3 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch MixMonitor -- Make sure to set the X and/or x option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!

Номер 6001 звонит на 6003, 6003 отвечает набираю #16004, 6003 начинает звонить на 6004, 6003 свой звонок с 6001 ставит на удержание, в 6001 проигрывается музыка, 6004 поднимает трубку. Я так понимаю, что должно быть по-другому: должны разговаривать 6001 и 6004, а 6003 висеть на удержании. Что я делаю неправильно.

*2 почему то вообще не работает. Также не работает перенапраление, если установить blindxfer => #1.

В идеале, яхочу чтобы работало и #1 и *2. Помогите разобраться пожалуста.

Переадресация звонков в Asterisk не работает

Необходимо сделать перенаправление звонков.

Вот мой диалплан:

exten => 6004,1,Dial(SIP/6004,15,t)
exten => 6003,1,Dial(SIP/6003,15,t)
exten => 6001,1,Dial(SIP/6001,15,t)

Вот мой featuremap

blindxfer => #1 ; Blind transfer (default is #) -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
disconnect => *0 ; Disconnect (default is *) -- Make sure to set the H and/or h option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
automon => *1 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch Monitor -- Make sure to set the W and/or w option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
atxfer => *2 ; Attended transfer -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
parkcall => #72 ; Park call (one step parking) -- Make sure to set the K and/or k option in the Dial() app call!
automixmon => *3 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch MixMonitor -- Make sure to set the X and/or x option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!

Номер 6001 звонит на 6003, 6003 отвечает набираю #16004, 6003 начинает звонить на 6004, 6003 свой звонок с 6001 ставит на удержание, в 6001 проигрывается музыка, 6004 поднимает трубку. Я так понимаю, что должно быть по-другому: должны разговаривать 6001 и 6004, а 6003 висеть на удержании. Что я делаю неправильно.

*2 почему то вообще не работает. Также не работает перенапраление, если установить blindxfer => #1.#.

В идеале, яхочу чтобы работало и #1 и *2. Помогите разобраться пожалуста.

Переадресация звонков в Asterisk не работает

Необходимо сделать перенаправление звонков.

Вот мой диалплан:

exten => 6004,1,Dial(SIP/6004,15,t)
exten => 6003,1,Dial(SIP/6003,15,t)
exten => 6001,1,Dial(SIP/6001,15,t)

Вот мой featuremap

blindxfer => #1 ; Blind transfer (default is #) -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
disconnect => *0 ; Disconnect (default is *) -- Make sure to set the H and/or h option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
automon => *1 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch Monitor -- Make sure to set the W and/or w option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
atxfer => *2 ; Attended transfer -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
parkcall => #72 ; Park call (one step parking) -- Make sure to set the K and/or k option in the Dial() app call!
automixmon => *3 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch MixMonitor -- Make sure to set the X and/or x option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!

Номер 6001 звонит на 6003, 6003 отвечает набираю #16004, 6003 начинает звонить на 6004, 6003 свой звонок с 6001 ставит на удержание, в 6001 проигрывается музыка, 6004 поднимает трубку. Я так понимаю, что должно быть по-другому: должны разговаривать 6001 и 6004, а 6003 висеть на удержании. Что я делаю неправильно.

*2 почему то вообще не работает. Также не работает перенапраление, если установить blindxfer => #.

В идеале, яхочу чтобы работало и #1 и *2. Помогите разобраться пожалуста.

Вот часть лога:

 == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Executing [6003@DLPN_offce:1] Dial("SIP/6001-00000004", "SIP/6003,15,t") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called 6003
    -- SIP/6003-00000005 is ringing
    -- SIP/6003-00000005 answered SIP/6001-00000004
[Jun  4 19:58:56] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
[Jun  4 19:58:56] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
[Jun  4 19:58:56] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
[Jun  4 19:59:06] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Executing [6004@DLPN_offce:1] Dial("SIP/6003-00000006", "SIP/6004,15,t") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called 6004
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/6001-00000004
    -- SIP/6004-00000007 is ringing
[Jun  4 19:59:16] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '(null)'
    -- SIP/6004-00000007 answered SIP/6003-00000006
[Jun  4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
[Jun  4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
[Jun  4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
[Jun  4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
[Jun  4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
[Jun  4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
  == Spawn extension (DLPN_offce, 6004, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6003-00000006'
[Jun  4 19:59:26] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '(null)'
[Jun  4 19:59:37] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '(null)'
[Jun  4 19:59:47] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '(null)'

Переадресация звонков в Asterisk не работает

Необходимо сделать перенаправление звонков.

Вот мой диалплан:

exten => 6004,1,Dial(SIP/6004,15,t)
exten => 6003,1,Dial(SIP/6003,15,t)
exten => 6001,1,Dial(SIP/6001,15,t)

Вот мой featuremap

blindxfer => #1 ; Blind transfer (default is #) -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
disconnect => *0 ; Disconnect (default is *) -- Make sure to set the H and/or h option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
automon => *1 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch Monitor -- Make sure to set the W and/or w option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
atxfer => *2 ; Attended transfer -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
parkcall => #72 ; Park call (one step parking) -- Make sure to set the K and/or k option in the Dial() app call!
automixmon => *3 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch MixMonitor -- Make sure to set the X and/or x option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!

Номер 6001 звонит на 6003, 6003 отвечает набираю #16004, 6003 начинает звонить на 6004, 6003 свой звонок с 6001 ставит на удержание, в 6001 проигрывается музыка, 6004 поднимает трубку. Я так понимаю, что должно быть по-другому: должны разговаривать 6001 и 6004, а 6003 висеть на удержании. Что я делаю неправильно.

*2 почему то вообще не работает. Также не работает перенапраление, если установить blindxfer => #.

В идеале, яхочу чтобы работало и #1 и *2. Помогите разобраться пожалуста.

Вот часть лога:

Content-Length: 0

Content-Length: 0> Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (10 headers 0 lines) ---

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> INVITE sip:6004@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: <sip:6003@> To: <sip:6004@> From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 2 INVITE Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO Content-Type: application/sdp Supported: replaces User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Authorization: Digest username="6003",realm="asterisk",nonce="4e427875",uri="sip:6004@",response="6b03ab1b19a09d4b7e42a9e106fd8463",algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 383

v=0 o=- 12983303904982203 1 IN IP4 s=CounterPath X-Lite 4.1 c=IN IP4 t=0 0 a=ice-ufrag:1f7bf3 a=ice-pwd:43798db74704cb3c028ed1d5fe8b3fd3 m=audio 53280 RTP/AVP 3 101 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv a=candidate:1 1 UDP 659136 53280 typ host a=candidate:1 2 UDP 659134 53281 typ host <-------------> --- (14 headers 13 lines) --- Sending to (no NAT) Using INVITE request as basis request - NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. Found peer '6003' for '6003' from == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 5 Found RTP audio format 3 Found RTP audio format 101 Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101 Capabilities: us - 0x6 (gsm|ulaw), peer - audio=0x2 (gsm)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x2 (gsm) Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|) Peer audio RTP is at port Looking for 6004 in DLPNoffce (domain listroute: hop: <sip:6003@>

<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add To: <sip:6004@> Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Contact: <sip:6004@> Content-Length: 0

<------------> -- Executing [6003@DLPN_offce:1] Dial("SIP/6001-00000004", "SIP/6003,15,t") [6004@DLPN_offce:1] Dial("SIP/6003-0000000a", "SIP/6004,15,t") in new stack == stack == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 5 Audio is at 5060 Adding codec 0x2 (gsm) to SDP Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to INVITE sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Vasia" <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> Contact: <sip:6003@> Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2012 17:18:39 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 275

v=0 o=root 222967741 222967741 IN IP4 s=Asterisk PBX c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 13748 RTP/AVP 3 0 101 a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv

-- Called 6003

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> From: "Vasia" <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 102 INVITE Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (7 headers 0 lines) ---

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 Contact: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d From: "Vasia"<sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- -- SIP/6003-00000005 SIP/6004-0000000b is ringing ringing

<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add To: <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Contact: <sip:6004@> Content-Length: 0


<--- SIP read from UDP: --->


<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 Contact: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d From: "Vasia"<sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 102 INVITE Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO Content-Type: application/sdp Supported: replaces User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Content-Length: 383

v=0 o=- 12983303902905112 1 IN IP4 s=CounterPath X-Lite 4.1 c=IN IP4 t=0 0 a=ice-ufrag:600238 a=ice-pwd:8f5433bfaf37837eda5c392d3c4751cd m=audio 63502 RTP/AVP 0 101 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv a=candidate:1 1 UDP 659136 63502 typ host a=candidate:1 2 UDP 659134 63503 typ host <-------------> --- (12 headers 13 lines) --- Found RTP audio format 0 Found RTP audio format 101 Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101 Capabilities: us - 0x6 (gsm|ulaw), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw) Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|) Peer audio RTP is at port listroute: hop: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> setdestination: Parsing <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> for address/port to send to set_destination: set destination to Transmitting (no NAT) to ACK sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7231f3c1 Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Vasia" <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d Contact: <sip:6003@> Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 102 ACK User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Content-Length: 0

-- SIP/6003-00000005 SIP/6004-0000000b answered SIP/6001-00000004
SIP/6003-0000000a Audio is at 5060

Adding codec 0x2 (gsm) to SDP Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP

<--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add To: <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Contact: <sip:6004@> Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 253

v=0 o=root 1426165971 1426165971 IN IP4 s=Asterisk PBX c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 14956 RTP/AVP 3 101 a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv


<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> ACK sip:6004@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-14e86b68c9eccc31-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: <sip:6003@> To: <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 2 ACK User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Authorization: Digest username="6003",realm="asterisk",nonce="4e427875",uri="sip:6004@",response="6b03ab1b19a09d4b7e42a9e106fd8463",algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- [Jun 4 19:58:56] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' from '' [Jun 4 19:58:56] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' from '' [Jun 4 19:58:56] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' from '' [Jun 4 19:59:06] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 -- Executing [6004@DLPN_offce:1] Dial("SIP/6003-00000006", "SIP/6004,15,t") in new stack == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 -- Called 6004 -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/6001-00000004 -- SIP/6004-00000007 is ringing from '' [Jun 4 19:59:16] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '(null)' -- SIP/6004-00000007 answered SIP/6003-00000006 from '' [Jun 4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' from '' [Jun 4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: 4 20:18:45] NOTICE[17397]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' [Jun 4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' [Jun 4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' [Jun 4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' [Jun 4 19:59:20] NOTICE[17178]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' from '(null)'

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> BYE sip:6004@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7c4e33c7a54be0df-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: <sip:6003@> To: <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 3 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Authorization: Digest username="6003",realm="asterisk",nonce="4e427875",uri="sip:6004@",response="c818868b00190add024dc8cce0db9b9f",algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- Sending to (no NAT) Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog 'NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg.' in 32000 ms (Method: BYE)

<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7c4e33c7a54be0df-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add To: <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 3 BYE Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Content-Length: 0

<------------> Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@' in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE) setdestination: Parsing <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> for address/port to send to setdestination: set destination to Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to BYE sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2b42cb2c Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Vasia" <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 16 Content-Length: 0

--- == Spawn extension (DLPN_offce, 6004, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6003-00000006' on 'SIP/6003-0000000a'

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2b42cb2c Contact: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d From: "Vasia"<sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- Really destroying SIP dialog '091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@' Method: INVITE

<--- SIP read from UDP: --->

<-------------> [Jun 4 19:59:26] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: 20:18:55] NOTICE[17397]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 126 received from '(null)' [Jun 4 19:59:37] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '(null)' [Jun 4 19:59:47] NOTICE[17174]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '(null)'


<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> BYE sip:6001@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-868924b1ef488aec-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: <sip:6003@;rinstance=4bb76a0d9c1c8e4a> To: "Gena"<sip:6001@>;tag=as118dd5df From: <sip:6003@;rinstance=4bb76a0d9c1c8e4a>;tag=d0859c1e Call-ID: 1cca2ca62dad19844165317a4333f6a6@ CSeq: 3 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (10 headers 0 lines) --- Sending to (no NAT) Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '1cca2ca62dad19844165317a4333f6a6@' in 32000 ms (Method: BYE)

<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-868924b1ef488aec-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 From: <sip:6003@;rinstance=4bb76a0d9c1c8e4a>;tag=d0859c1e To: "Gena"<sip:6001@>;tag=as118dd5df Call-ID: 1cca2ca62dad19844165317a4333f6a6@ CSeq: 3 BYE Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Content-Length: 0

<------------> == Spawn extension (DLPNoffce, 6003, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6001-00000008' -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/6001-00000008 Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog 'NTQ5ZjFkNmRmYmMyMWQ5OWEwOTY0ZGQyMzMxOWIyYWU.' in 32000 ms (Method: ACK) setdestination: Parsing <sip:6001@> for address/port to send to set_destination: set destination to Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to BYE sip:6001@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5e15e25f;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: <sip:6003@>;tag=as51ebf86d To: "6001"<sip:6001@>;tag=eebbd81c Call-ID: NTQ5ZjFkNmRmYmMyMWQ5OWEwOTY0ZGQyMzMxOWIyYWU. CSeq: 102 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="6001", realm="asterisk", algorithm=MD5, uri="", nonce="", response="17abd40c9e03a4315ceae5c5c945435b" X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 16 Content-Length: 0

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5e15e25f;rport=5060 Contact: <sip:6001@> To: "6001"<sip:6001@>;tag=eebbd81c From: <sip:6003@>;tag=as51ebf86d Call-ID: NTQ5ZjFkNmRmYmMyMWQ5OWEwOTY0ZGQyMzMxOWIyYWU. CSeq: 102 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Content-Length: 0Content-Length: 0

Content-Length: 0

Переадресация звонков в Asterisk не работает

Необходимо сделать перенаправление звонков.

Вот мой диалплан:

exten => 6004,1,Dial(SIP/6004,15,t)
exten => 6003,1,Dial(SIP/6003,15,t)
exten => 6001,1,Dial(SIP/6001,15,t)

Вот мой featuremap

blindxfer => #1 ; Blind transfer (default is #) -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
disconnect => *0 ; Disconnect (default is *) -- Make sure to set the H and/or h option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
automon => *1 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch Monitor -- Make sure to set the W and/or w option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
atxfer => *2 ; Attended transfer -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
parkcall => #72 ; Park call (one step parking) -- Make sure to set the K and/or k option in the Dial() app call!
automixmon => *3 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch MixMonitor -- Make sure to set the X and/or x option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!

Номер 6001 звонит на 6003, 6003 отвечает набираю #16004, 6003 начинает звонить на 6004, 6003 свой звонок с 6001 ставит на удержание, в 6001 проигрывается музыка, 6004 поднимает трубку. Я так понимаю, что должно быть по-другому: должны разговаривать 6001 и 6004, а 6003 висеть на удержании. Что я делаю неправильно.

*2 почему то вообще не работает. Также не работает перенапраление, если установить blindxfer => #.

В идеале, яхочу чтобы работало и #1 и *2. Помогите разобраться пожалуста.

root@ws-053:/etc/asterisk$ grep canreinvite *.*
mgcp.conf:;canreinvite = 1
users.conf:canreinvite = no
users.conf:canreinvite = no
users.conf:canreinvite = no

Вот часть лога: Content-Length: 0

Content-Length: 0> Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (10 headers 0 lines) ---

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> INVITE sip:6004@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: <sip:6003@> To: <sip:6004@> From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 2 INVITE Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO Content-Type: application/sdp Supported: replaces User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Authorization: Digest username="6003",realm="asterisk",nonce="4e427875",uri="sip:6004@",response="6b03ab1b19a09d4b7e42a9e106fd8463",algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 383

v=0 o=- 12983303904982203 1 IN IP4 s=CounterPath X-Lite 4.1 c=IN IP4 t=0 0 a=ice-ufrag:1f7bf3 a=ice-pwd:43798db74704cb3c028ed1d5fe8b3fd3 m=audio 53280 RTP/AVP 3 101 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv a=candidate:1 1 UDP 659136 53280 typ host a=candidate:1 2 UDP 659134 53281 typ host <-------------> --- (14 headers 13 lines) --- Sending to (no NAT) Using INVITE request as basis request - NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. Found peer '6003' for '6003' from == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 Found RTP audio format 3 Found RTP audio format 101 Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101 Capabilities: us - 0x6 (gsm|ulaw), peer - audio=0x2 (gsm)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x2 (gsm) Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|) Peer audio RTP is at port Looking for 6004 in DLPNoffce (domain listroute: hop: <sip:6003@>

<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add To: <sip:6004@> Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Contact: <sip:6004@> Content-Length: 0

<------------> -- Executing [6004@DLPN_offce:1] Dial("SIP/6003-0000000a", "SIP/6004,15,t") in new stack == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 Audio is at 5060 Adding codec 0x2 (gsm) to SDP Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to INVITE sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Vasia" <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> Contact: <sip:6003@> Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2012 17:18:39 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 275

v=0 o=root 222967741 222967741 IN IP4 s=Asterisk PBX c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 13748 RTP/AVP 3 0 101 a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv

-- Called 6004

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> From: "Vasia" <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 102 INVITE Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (7 headers 0 lines) ---

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 Contact: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d From: "Vasia"<sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- -- SIP/6004-0000000b is ringing

<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add To: <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Contact: <sip:6004@> Content-Length: 0


<--- SIP read from UDP: --->


<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 Contact: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d From: "Vasia"<sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 102 INVITE Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO Content-Type: application/sdp Supported: replaces User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Content-Length: 383

v=0 o=- 12983303902905112 1 IN IP4 s=CounterPath X-Lite 4.1 c=IN IP4 t=0 0 a=ice-ufrag:600238 a=ice-pwd:8f5433bfaf37837eda5c392d3c4751cd m=audio 63502 RTP/AVP 0 101 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv a=candidate:1 1 UDP 659136 63502 typ host a=candidate:1 2 UDP 659134 63503 typ host <-------------> --- (12 headers 13 lines) --- Found RTP audio format 0 Found RTP audio format 101 Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101 Capabilities: us - 0x6 (gsm|ulaw), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw) Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|) Peer audio RTP is at port listroute: hop: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> setdestination: Parsing <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> for address/port to send to set_destination: set destination to Transmitting (no NAT) to ACK sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7231f3c1 Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Vasia" <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d Contact: <sip:6003@> Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 102 ACK User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Content-Length: 0

-- SIP/6004-0000000b answered SIP/6003-0000000a Audio is at 5060

Adding codec 0x2 (gsm) to SDP Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP

<--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add To: <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Contact: <sip:6004@> Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 253

v=0 o=root 1426165971 1426165971 IN IP4 s=Asterisk PBX c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 14956 RTP/AVP 3 101 a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv


<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> ACK sip:6004@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-14e86b68c9eccc31-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: <sip:6003@> To: <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 2 ACK User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Authorization: Digest username="6003",realm="asterisk",nonce="4e427875",uri="sip:6004@",response="6b03ab1b19a09d4b7e42a9e106fd8463",algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- [Jun 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' [Jun 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' [Jun 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' [Jun 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' [Jun 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' [Jun 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '' [Jun 4 20:18:45] NOTICE[17397]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '(null)'

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> BYE sip:6004@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7c4e33c7a54be0df-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: <sip:6003@> To: <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 3 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Authorization: Digest username="6003",realm="asterisk",nonce="4e427875",uri="sip:6004@",response="c818868b00190add024dc8cce0db9b9f",algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- Sending to (no NAT) Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog 'NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg.' in 32000 ms (Method: BYE)

<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7c4e33c7a54be0df-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 From: "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add To: <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 Call-ID: NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. CSeq: 3 BYE Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Content-Length: 0

<------------> Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@' in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE) setdestination: Parsing <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> for address/port to send to setdestination: set destination to Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to BYE sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2b42cb2c Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Vasia" <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 16 Content-Length: 0

--- == Spawn extension (DLPN_offce, 6004, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6003-0000000a'

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2b42cb2c Contact: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> To: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d From: "Vasia"<sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e Call-ID: 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- Really destroying SIP dialog '091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@' Method: INVITE

<--- SIP read from UDP: --->

<-------------> [Jun 4 20:18:55] NOTICE[17397]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '(null)'

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> BYE sip:6001@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-868924b1ef488aec-1---d8754z-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: <sip:6003@;rinstance=4bb76a0d9c1c8e4a> To: "Gena"<sip:6001@>;tag=as118dd5df From: <sip:6003@;rinstance=4bb76a0d9c1c8e4a>;tag=d0859c1e Call-ID: 1cca2ca62dad19844165317a4333f6a6@ CSeq: 3 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Content-Length: 0

<-------------> --- (10 headers 0 lines) --- Sending to (no NAT) Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '1cca2ca62dad19844165317a4333f6a6@' in 32000 ms (Method: BYE)

<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-868924b1ef488aec-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 From: <sip:6003@;rinstance=4bb76a0d9c1c8e4a>;tag=d0859c1e To: "Gena"<sip:6001@>;tag=as118dd5df Call-ID: 1cca2ca62dad19844165317a4333f6a6@ CSeq: 3 BYE Server: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer Content-Length: 0

<------------> == Spawn extension (DLPNoffce, 6003, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6001-00000008' -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/6001-00000008 Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog 'NTQ5ZjFkNmRmYmMyMWQ5OWEwOTY0ZGQyMzMxOWIyYWU.' in 32000 ms (Method: ACK) setdestination: Parsing <sip:6001@> for address/port to send to set_destination: set destination to Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to BYE sip:6001@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5e15e25f;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: <sip:6003@>;tag=as51ebf86d To: "6001"<sip:6001@>;tag=eebbd81c Call-ID: NTQ5ZjFkNmRmYmMyMWQ5OWEwOTY0ZGQyMzMxOWIyYWU. CSeq: 102 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="6001", realm="asterisk", algorithm=MD5, uri="", nonce="", response="17abd40c9e03a4315ceae5c5c945435b" X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 16 Content-Length: 0

<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5e15e25f;rport=5060 Contact: <sip:6001@> To: "6001"<sip:6001@>;tag=eebbd81c From: <sip:6003@>;tag=as51ebf86d Call-ID: NTQ5ZjFkNmRmYmMyMWQ5OWEwOTY0ZGQyMzMxOWIyYWU. CSeq: 102 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp 63214 Content-Length: 0Content-Length: 0

Content-Length: 0

Переадресация звонков в Asterisk не работает

Необходимо сделать перенаправление звонков.

Вот мой диалплан:

exten => 6004,1,Dial(SIP/6004,15,t)
exten => 6003,1,Dial(SIP/6003,15,t)
exten => 6001,1,Dial(SIP/6001,15,t)

Вот мой featuremap

blindxfer => #1 ; Blind transfer (default is #) -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
disconnect => *0 ; Disconnect (default is *) -- Make sure to set the H and/or h option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
automon => *1 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch Monitor -- Make sure to set the W and/or w option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
atxfer => *2 ; Attended transfer -- Make sure to set the T and/or t option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
parkcall => #72 ; Park call (one step parking) -- Make sure to set the K and/or k option in the Dial() app call!
automixmon => *3 ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch MixMonitor -- Make sure to set the X and/or x option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!

Номер 6001 звонит на 6003, 6003 отвечает набираю #16004, 6003 начинает звонить на 6004, 6003 свой звонок с 6001 ставит на удержание, в 6001 проигрывается музыка, 6004 поднимает трубку. Я так понимаю, что должно быть по-другому: должны разговаривать 6001 и 6004, а 6003 висеть на удержании. Что я делаю неправильно.

*2 почему то вообще не работает. Также не работает перенапраление, если установить blindxfer => #.

В идеале, яхочу чтобы работало и #1 и *2. Помогите разобраться пожалуста.

root@ws-053:/etc/asterisk$ grep canreinvite *.*
mgcp.conf:;canreinvite = 1
users.conf:canreinvite = no
users.conf:canreinvite = no
users.conf:canreinvite = no

Вот часть лога: Content-Length: 0

Content-Length: 0> Content-Length: 0

0 > > <-------------> > --- (10 headers 0 lines) ---

--- > > <--- SIP read from > UDP: ---> INVITE > sip:6004@ SIP/2.0 Via: > SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;rport > Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: > <sip:6003@> To: > <sip:6004@> From: > "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add > Call-ID: > NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. > CSeq: 2 INVITE Allow: INVITE, ACK, > CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, > MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO Content-Type: > application/sdp Supported: replaces > User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp > 63214 Authorization: Digest > username="6003",realm="asterisk",nonce="4e427875",uri="sip:6004@",response="6b03ab1b19a09d4b7e42a9e106fd8463",algorithm=MD5 > Content-Length: 383

383 > > v=0 o=- 12983303904982203 1 IN IP4 > s=CounterPath X-Lite 4.1 c=IN IP4 t=0 0 a=ice-ufrag:1f7bf3 > a=ice-pwd:43798db74704cb3c028ed1d5fe8b3fd3 > m=audio 53280 RTP/AVP 3 101 > a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 > a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv > a=candidate:1 1 UDP 659136 > 53280 typ host a=candidate:1 2 UDP 659134 > 53281 typ host <-------------> > --- (14 headers 13 lines) --- Sending to (no NAT) Using > INVITE request as basis request - > NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. > Found peer '6003' for '6003' from > == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 Found RTP audio format > 3 Found RTP audio format 101 Found > audio description format > telephone-event for ID 101 > Capabilities: us - 0x6 (gsm|ulaw), > peer - audio=0x2 (gsm)/video=0x0 > (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined > - 0x2 (gsm) Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), > peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), > combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|) Peer > audio RTP is at port > Looking for 6004 in DLPNoffce DLPN_offce (domain listroute: > list_route: hop: <sip:6003@>

> <sip:6003@> > > <--- Transmitting (no NAT) to > ---> SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 > From: > "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add > To: <sip:6004@> Call-ID: > NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. > CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Asterisk PBX > Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, > SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH > Supported: replaces, timer Contact: > <sip:6004@> > Content-Length: 0

0 > > > <------------> > -- Executing [6004@DLPN_offce:1] Dial("SIP/6003-0000000a", > "SIP/6004,15,t") in new stack == > Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 Audio is at > 5060 Adding codec 0x2 (gsm) to SDP > Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP Adding > non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP > Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to > INVITE sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Vasia" > <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e > To: > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> > Contact: > <sip:6003@> > Call-ID: > 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ > CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk > PBX Date: Mon, > 04 Jun 2012 17:18:39 GMT Allow: > INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, > REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, > PUBLISH Supported: replaces, timer > Content-Type: application/sdp > Content-Length: 275

275 > > v=0 o=root 222967741 222967741 IN IP4 > s=Asterisk PBX c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 13748 RTP/AVP 3 0 101 a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 > a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 > telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 > a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv

> ---
>     -- Called 6004

> > <--- SIP read from > UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 > 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 To: > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> > From: "Vasia" > <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e > Call-ID: > 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ > CSeq: 102 INVITE Content-Length: 0

0 > > <-------------> > --- (7 headers 0 lines) ---

--- > > <--- SIP read from > UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 > 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 Contact: > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> > To: > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d > From: > "Vasia"<sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e > Call-ID: > 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ > CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 > release 4.1 stamp 63214 > Content-Length: 0

0 > > <-------------> > --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- > -- SIP/6004-0000000b is ringing

ringing > > <--- Transmitting (no NAT) to > ---> SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 > From: > "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add > To: > <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 > Call-ID: > NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. > CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Asterisk PBX > Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, > SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH > Supported: replaces, timer Contact: > <sip:6004@> > Content-Length: 0


0 > > > <------------> > > <--- SIP read from > UDP: --->


---> > > > <-------------> > > <--- SIP read from > UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 > 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK7a84f118 Contact: > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> > To: > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d > From: > "Vasia"<sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e > Call-ID: > 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ > CSeq: 102 INVITE Allow: INVITE, ACK, > CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, > MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO Content-Type: > application/sdp Supported: replaces > User-Agent: X-Lite 4 release 4.1 stamp > 63214 Content-Length: 383

383 > > v=0 o=- 12983303902905112 1 IN IP4 > s=CounterPath X-Lite 4.1 c=IN IP4 t=0 0 a=ice-ufrag:600238 > a=ice-pwd:8f5433bfaf37837eda5c392d3c4751cd > m=audio 63502 RTP/AVP 0 101 > a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 > a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv > a=candidate:1 1 UDP 659136 > 63502 typ host a=candidate:1 2 UDP 659134 > 63503 typ host <-------------> > --- (12 headers 13 lines) --- Found RTP audio format 0 Found RTP audio > format 101 Found audio description > format telephone-event for ID 101 > Capabilities: us - 0x6 (gsm|ulaw), > peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 > (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined > - 0x4 (ulaw) Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), > peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), > combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|) Peer > audio RTP is at port > listroute: list_route: hop: <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> setdestination: > set_destination: Parsing > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> > for address/port to send to > set_destination: set destination to > Transmitting (no NAT) to ACK > sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK7231f3c1 Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Vasia" > <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e > To: > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d > Contact: > <sip:6003@> > Call-ID: > 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ > CSeq: 102 ACK User-Agent: Asterisk PBX > Content-Length: 0

> ---
>     -- SIP/6004-0000000b answered SIP/6003-0000000a Audio is at 5060

> Adding codec 0x2 (gsm) to SDP Adding > non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP

SDP > > <--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to > ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7f156d5d7b769dcb-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 > From: > "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add > To: > <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 > Call-ID: > NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. > CSeq: 2 INVITE Server: Asterisk PBX > Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, > SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH > Supported: replaces, timer Contact: > <sip:6004@> > Content-Type: application/sdp > Content-Length: 253

253 > > v=0 o=root 1426165971 1426165971 IN > IP4 s=Asterisk PBX > c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 14956 RTP/AVP 3 101 a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000 > a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 > a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv


a=sendrecv > > <------------> > > <--- SIP read from > UDP: ---> ACK > sip:6004@ SIP/2.0 > Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-14e86b68c9eccc31-1---d8754z-;rport > Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: > <sip:6003@> To: > <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 > From: > "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add > Call-ID: > NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. > CSeq: 2 ACK User-Agent: X-Lite 4 > release 4.1 stamp 63214 Authorization: > Digest > username="6003",realm="asterisk",nonce="4e427875",uri="sip:6004@",response="6b03ab1b19a09d4b7e42a9e106fd8463",algorithm=MD5 > Content-Length: 0

0 > > <-------------> > --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- [Jun 4 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: > res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: > Unknown RTP codec 126 received from > '' [Jun 4 > 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: > res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: > Unknown RTP codec 126 received from > '' [Jun 4 > 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: > res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: > Unknown RTP codec 126 received from > '' [Jun 4 > 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: > res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: > Unknown RTP codec 126 received from > '' [Jun 4 > 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: > res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: > Unknown RTP codec 126 received from > '' [Jun 4 > 20:18:42] NOTICE[17402]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: > res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: > Unknown RTP codec 126 received from > '' [Jun 4 > 20:18:45] NOTICE[17397]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: > res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: > Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '(null)'

> '(null)' > > <--- SIP read from > UDP: ---> BYE > sip:6004@ SIP/2.0 > Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7c4e33c7a54be0df-1---d8754z-;rport > Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: > <sip:6003@> To: > <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 > From: > "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add > Call-ID: > NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. > CSeq: 3 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 > release 4.1 stamp 63214 Authorization: > Digest > username="6003",realm="asterisk",nonce="4e427875",uri="sip:6004@",response="c818868b00190add024dc8cce0db9b9f",algorithm=MD5 > Content-Length: 0

0 > > <-------------> > --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- Sending to (no NAT) > Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog > 'NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg.' > in 32000 ms (Method: BYE)

BYE) > > <--- Transmitting (no NAT) to > ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-7c4e33c7a54be0df-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 > From: > "6003"<sip:6003@>;tag=60f21add > To: > <sip:6004@>;tag=as7e4e4ed2 > Call-ID: > NTFlMGQ4OGU1MjY4YjExZjE0MTRlYWJhZGVkYzU4NTg. > CSeq: 3 BYE Server: Asterisk PBX > Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, > SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH > Supported: replaces, timer > Content-Length: 0

0 > > > <------------> Scheduling destruction > of SIP dialog > '091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@' > in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE) setdestination: > set_destination: Parsing > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> > for address/port to send to setdestination: > set_destination: set destination to > Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to > BYE sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78 SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK2b42cb2c Max-Forwards: 70 From: "Vasia" > <sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e > To: > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d > Call-ID: > 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ > CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX > X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal > Clearing X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: > 16 Content-Length: 0

0 > > > --- == Spawn extension (DLPN_offce, 6004, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/6003-0000000a'

> 'SIP/6003-0000000a' > > <--- SIP read from > UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 > 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK2b42cb2c Contact: > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78> > To: > <sip:6004@;rinstance=2a8ca938e4461e78>;tag=cd963d9d > From: > "Vasia"<sip:6003@>;tag=as4933fb4e > Call-ID: > 091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@ > CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 > release 4.1 stamp 63214 > Content-Length: 0

0 > > <-------------> > --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- Really destroying SIP dialog > '091fdd6d2ee3f203503ad55f67fc41be@' > Method: INVITE

INVITE > > <--- SIP read from > UDP: --->

---> > > > <-------------> [Jun 4 20:18:55] > NOTICE[17397]: resrtpasterisk.c:2190 astrtpread: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 > ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 > received from '(null)'

'(null)' > > <--- SIP read from > UDP: ---> BYE > sip:6001@ SIP/2.0 > Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-868924b1ef488aec-1---d8754z-;rport > Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: > <sip:6003@;rinstance=4bb76a0d9c1c8e4a> > To: > "Gena"<sip:6001@>;tag=as118dd5df > From: > <sip:6003@;rinstance=4bb76a0d9c1c8e4a>;tag=d0859c1e > Call-ID: > 1cca2ca62dad19844165317a4333f6a6@ > CSeq: 3 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 > release 4.1 stamp 63214 > Content-Length: 0

0 > > <-------------> > --- (10 headers 0 lines) --- Sending to (no NAT) > Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog > '1cca2ca62dad19844165317a4333f6a6@' > in 32000 ms (Method: BYE)

BYE) > > <--- Transmitting (no NAT) to > ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-868924b1ef488aec-1---d8754z-;received=;rport=46214 > From: > <sip:6003@;rinstance=4bb76a0d9c1c8e4a>;tag=d0859c1e > To: > "Gena"<sip:6001@>;tag=as118dd5df > Call-ID: > 1cca2ca62dad19844165317a4333f6a6@ > CSeq: 3 BYE Server: Asterisk PBX > Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, > SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH > Supported: replaces, timer > Content-Length: 0

0 > > > <------------> == Spawn extension (DLPNoffce, > (DLPN_offce, 6003, 1) exited non-zero > on 'SIP/6001-00000008' > -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/6001-00000008 Scheduling > destruction of SIP dialog > 'NTQ5ZjFkNmRmYmMyMWQ5OWEwOTY0ZGQyMzMxOWIyYWU.' > in 32000 ms (Method: ACK) setdestination: > set_destination: Parsing > <sip:6001@> for > address/port to send to > set_destination: set destination to > Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to > BYE sip:6001@ SIP/2.0 > Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK5e15e25f;rport > Max-Forwards: 70 From: > <sip:6003@>;tag=as51ebf86d > To: > "6001"<sip:6001@>;tag=eebbd81c > Call-ID: > NTQ5ZjFkNmRmYmMyMWQ5OWEwOTY0ZGQyMzMxOWIyYWU. > CSeq: 102 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX > Proxy-Authorization: Digest > username="6001", realm="asterisk", > algorithm=MD5, uri="", > nonce="", > response="17abd40c9e03a4315ceae5c5c945435b" > X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal > Clearing X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: > 16 Content-Length: 0

0 > > > --- > > <--- SIP read from > UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 > 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP >;branch=z9hG4bK5e15e25f;rport=5060 > Contact: > <sip:6001@> To: > "6001"<sip:6001@>;tag=eebbd81c > From: > <sip:6003@>;tag=as51ebf86d > Call-ID: > NTQ5ZjFkNmRmYmMyMWQ5OWEwOTY0ZGQyMzMxOWIyYWU. > CSeq: 102 BYE User-Agent: X-Lite 4 > release 4.1 stamp 63214 > Content-Length: 0Content-Length: 0

0 Content-Length: 0


Проект компании "АТС Дизайн"
Asterisk® и Digium® являются зарегистрированными торговыми марками компании Digium, Inc., США.
IP АТС Asterisk распространяется под лицензией GNU GPL.