Asterisk 11. Нужно звонок поставить в очередь и от этого сразу сделать GoSub или Macro. Именно не по ответу, а при постановке в саму очередь. Читал что в 16м Астериске есть опция b и B по которой делается GoSub при постановке звонка в очередь. Как это сделать в 11м? Есть у кого какие идеи?
спросил Aug 18 '2
Опции B и b отрабатывают ПЕРЕД ПОПЫТКОЙ ВЫЗОВА агента, то есть перед тем, как уже зазвонит телефон. Если у Вас есть свободный агент -- фактически это произойдет сразу после постановки в очередь. Но если свободных агентов нет, придется ждать, пока кто-то освободится. Ну либо лепить костыль с фейковым агентом в очереди через Local :) Я бы рекомендовал все-таки выполнять необходимые действия сразу перед постановкой в очередь.
pbx*CLI> core show application Queue
-= Info about application 'Queue' =-
Queue a call for a call queue.
In addition to transferring the call, a call may be parked and then picked up
by another user.
This application will return to the dialplan if the queue does not exist, or
any of the join options cause the caller to not enter the queue.
This application does not automatically answer and should be preceeded by an
application such as Answer(), Progress(), or Ringing().
This application sets the following channel variables upon completion:
${QUEUESTATUS}: The status of the call as a text string.
${ABANDONED}: If the call was not answered by an agent this variable will be
b([[context^]exten^]priority[(arg1[^...][^argN])]): Before initiating an
outgoing call, 'Gosub' to the specified location using the newly created
channel. The 'Gosub' will be executed for each destination channel.
B([[context^]exten^]priority[(arg1[^...][^argN])]): Before initiating the
outgoing call(s), 'Gosub' to the specified location using the current
C: Mark all calls as "answered elsewhere" when cancelled.
c: Continue in the dialplan if the callee hangs up.
d: data-quality (modem) call (minimum delay).
F([[context^]exten^]priority): When the caller hangs up, transfer the
*called member* to the specified destination and *start* execution at that
NOTE: Any channel variables you want the called channel to inherit from the
caller channel must be prefixed with one or two underbars ('_').
F: When the caller hangs up, transfer the *called member* to the next
priority of the current extension and *start* execution at that location.
NOTE: Any channel variables you want the called channel to inherit from the
caller channel must be prefixed with one or two underbars ('_').
NOTE: Using this option from a Macro() or GoSub() might not make sense as
there would be no return points.
h: Allow *callee* to hang up by pressing '*'.
H: Allow *caller* to hang up by pressing '*'.
n: No retries on the timeout; will exit this application and go to the next
i: Ignore call forward requests from queue members and do nothing when they
are requested.
I: Asterisk will ignore any connected line update requests or any
redirecting party update requests it may receive on this dial attempt.
r: Ring instead of playing MOH. Periodic Announcements are still made, if
R: Ring instead of playing MOH when a member channel is actually ringing.
t: Allow the *called* user to transfer the calling user.
T: Allow the *calling* user to transfer the call.
w: Allow the *called* user to write the conversation to disk via Monitor.
W: Allow the *calling* user to write the conversation to disk via Monitor.
k: Allow the *called* party to enable parking of the call by sending the
DTMF sequence defined for call parking in "features.conf".
K: Allow the *calling* party to enable parking of the call by sending the
DTMF sequence defined for call parking in "features.conf".
x: Allow the *called* user to write the conversation to disk via
X: Allow the *calling* user to write the conversation to disk via
<URL> will be sent to the called party if the channel supports it.
Announcement file(s) to play to agent before bridging call, overriding the
announcement(s) configured in "queues.conf", if any.
Will cause the queue to fail out after a specified number of seconds,
checked between each "queues.conf" <timeout> and <retry> cycle.
Will setup an AGI script to be executed on the calling party's channel once
they are connected to a queue member.
Will run a macro on the called party's channel (the queue member) once the
parties are connected.
NOTE: Macros are deprecated, GoSub should be used instead.
Will run a gosub on the called party's channel (the queue member) once the
parties are connected. The subroutine execution starts in the named
context at the s exten and priority 1.
Will cause the queue's defaultrule to be overridden by the rule specified.
Attempt to enter the caller into the queue at the numerical position
specified. '1' would attempt to enter the caller at the head of the queue,
and '3' would attempt to place the caller third in the queue.
[See Also]
Queue(), QueueLog(), AddQueueMember(), RemoveQueueMember(), PauseQueueMember(),
core show application Queue
Внимательно читайте описание синтаксиса .
Задан: Aug 18 '2
Просмотрен: 2,765 раз
Обновлен: Aug 22 '22
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