у нас проблемы с Астериском:
перестала работать связь, переустановил Астериск и скопировал в него настройки. пиры есть, регистрации подключились. (кроме SIP ничего нет, и пока не надо)
1.не загружаются экстеншены, не работает связь
2.входящий трафик падает на демо-экстеншен 's'
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Executing [s@default:1] wait("SIP/akvareliCORP-00000011", "1")
-- Executing [s@default:1] answer("SIP/akvareliCORP-00000011", "")
-- Digit timeout set to 5.000
-- Response timeout set to 10.000
-- Executing [s@default:1] background("SIP/akvareliCORP-00000011", "demo-congrats")
-- <SIP/akvareliCORP-00000011> Playing 'demo-congrats.alaw' (language 'ru')
не поможете разобраться, где и что поправить?
есть ощущение, что не подгружаются экстеншены и контексты...
dialplan show
[ Context 'app_queue_gosub_virtual_context' created by 'app_queue' ]
's' => 1. NoOp() [app_queue]
[ Context 'app_dial_gosub_virtual_context' created by 'app_dial' ]
's' => 1. NoOp() [app_dial]
[ Context 'parkedcalls' created by 'features' ]
'700' => 1. Park() [features]
[ Context 'local' created by 'pbx_lua' ]
Alt. Switch => 'Lua/' [pbx_lua]
[ Context 'demo' created by 'pbx_lua' ]
Alt. Switch => 'Lua/' [pbx_lua]
[ Context 'default' created by 'pbx_lua' ]
Alt. Switch => 'Lua/' [pbx_lua]
-= 3 extensions (3 priorities) in 6 contexts. =-
odin_ac (21:52:19 21/01/2013)
CLI> dialplan reload
Dialplan reloaded.
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf': == Found
не помогает...
может где-то в конфигах каких-то проверить надо?
вот еще портянка, на всякий случай... CLI>reload /var/log/asterisk/full
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_additional.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] logger.c: Asterisk Queue Logger restarted [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] cel.c: -- CEL logging disabled. [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_calendar.so' (Asterisk Calendar integration) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_crypto.so' (Cryptographic Digital Signatures) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_odbc.so' (ODBC resource) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_adsi.so' (ADSI Resource) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_jabber.so' (AJI - Asterisk Jabber Interface) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_stun_monitor.so' (STUN Network Monitor) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_fax.so' (Generic FAX Applications) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'pbx_lua.so' (Lua PBX Switch) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'default'; registrar: pbx_lua [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Including switch 'Lua/' in context 'default' [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'demo'; registrar: pbx_lua [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Including switch 'Lua/' in context 'demo' [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'local'; registrar: pbx_lua [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Including switch 'Lua/' in context 'local' [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls'; registrar: features [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(parkedcalls) to new(parkedcalls) context, registrar = pbx_lua [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'app_dial_gosub_virtual_context'; registrar: app_dial [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(app_dial_gosub_virtual_context) to new(app_dial_gosub_virtual_context) context, registrar = pbx_lua [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to app_dial_gosub_virtual_context [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Registered extension context 'app_queue_gosub_virtual_context'; registrar: app_queue [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(app_queue_gosub_virtual_context) to new(app_queue_gosub_virtual_context) context, registrar = pbx_lua [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to app_queue_gosub_virtual_context [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Time to scan old dialplan and merge leftovers back into the new: 0.000084 sec [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Time to restore hints and swap in new dialplan: 0.000004 sec [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Time to delete the old dialplan: 0.000011 sec [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c: -- Total time merge_contexts_delete: 0.000099 sec [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_musiconhold.so' (Music On Hold Resource) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold_additional.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] res_musiconhold.c: -- Files not found in /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3 for moh class:default [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_config_ldap.so' (LDAP realtime interface) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_ldap.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] NOTICE[29353] res_config_ldap.c: No directory user found, anonymous binding as default. [Jan 22 14:04:00] ERROR[29353] res_config_ldap.c: No directory URL or host found. [Jan 22 14:04:00] NOTICE[29353] res_config_ldap.c: Cannot reload LDAP RealTime driver. [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_phoneprov.so' (HTTP Phone Provisioning) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/phoneprov.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'app_meetme.so' (MeetMe conference bridge) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme_additional.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sla.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'chan_unistim.so' (UNISTIM Protocol (USTM)) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_config_pgsql.so' (PostgreSQL RealTime Configuration Driver) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_rtp_asterisk.so' (Asterisk RTP Stack) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[24127] chan_unistim.c: Reloading unistim.conf... [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'chan_iax2.so' (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[24127] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/unistim.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[24127] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] ERROR[29353] chan_iax2.c: Unable to load config iax.conf [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'cel_pgsql.so' (PostgreSQL CEL Backend) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'codec_speex.so' (Speex Coder/Decoder) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'cdr_manager.so' (Asterisk Manager Interface CDR Backend) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'cel_custom.so' (Customizable Comma Separated Values CEL Backend) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'chan_agent.so' (Agent Proxy Channel) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_clialiases.so' (CLI Aliases) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_http_post.so' (HTTP POST support) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'app_queue.so' (True Call Queueing) [Jan 22 14:04:00] NOTICE[29353] app_queue.c: queuerules.conf has not changed since it was last loaded. Not taking any action. [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_general_additional.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_custom_general.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_additional.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_post_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'chan_dahdi.so' (DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI & SS7) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'pbx_dundi.so' (Distributed Universal Number Discovery (DUNDi)) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dundi.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'codec_adpcm.so' (Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'chan_mgcp.so' (Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'app_followme.so' (Find-Me/Follow-Me Application) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'codec_alaw.so' (A-law Coder/Decoder) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'cel_odbc.so' (ODBC CEL backend) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel_odbc.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[24122] chan_mgcp.c: Reloading MGCP [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'func_odbc.so' (ODBC lookups) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'cdr_custom.so' (Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'cdr_odbc.so' (ODBC CDR Backend) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'cel_manager.so' (Asterisk Manager Interface CEL Backend) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'app_playback.so' (Sound File Playback Application) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'chan_skinny.so' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny)) [Jan 22 14:04:00] NOTICE[29353] chan_skinny.c: Configuring skinny from skinny.conf [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/skinny.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'chan_jingle.so' (Jingle Channel Driver) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_config_mysql.so' (MySQL RealTime Configuration Driver) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] res_config_mysql.c: == MySQL RealTime reloaded. [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'cdr_csv.so' (Comma Separated Values CDR Backend) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'codec_lpc10.so' (LPC10 2.4kbps Coder/Decoder) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'codec_ulaw.so' (mu-Law Coder/Decoder) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'codec_g722.so' (ITU G.722-64kbps G722 Transcoder) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'app_voicemail.so' (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System)) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'codec_gsm.so' (GSM Coder/Decoder) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'chan_sip.so' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'cdr_adaptive_odbc.so' (Adaptive ODBC CDR backend) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[24107] chan_sip.c: Reloading SIP [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_config_odbc.so' (Realtime ODBC configuration) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'app_minivm.so' (Mini VoiceMail (A minimal Voicemail e-mail System)) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'codec_dahdi.so' (Generic DAHDI Transcoder Codec Translator) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'app_amd.so' (Answering Machine Detection Application) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'cdr_mysql.so' (MySQL CDR Backend) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] cdr.c: == Unregistered 'mysql' CDR backend [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'res_config_curl.so' (Realtime Curl configuration) [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_curl.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c: == Found [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c: -- Reloading module 'codec_g726.so' (ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder)
Задан: 2013-01-22 13:14:54 +0400
Просмотрен: 5,656 раз
Обновлен: Jan 22 '13
Проект компании "АТС Дизайн"
Asterisk® и Digium® являются зарегистрированными торговыми марками компании
Digium, Inc., США.
IP АТС Asterisk распространяется под лицензией
Как копировали, почему перестало работать? Кто вообще этим занимался? Вы что, уволили системного администратора без выплат?
samael28 ( 2013-01-22 14:06:43 +0400 )редактировать100% так и было))
zzuz ( 2013-01-22 14:08:58 +0400 )редактироватьбыло так:
настраивали систему вдвоем, друг в армию ушел, вернулся, ушел с повышением, теперь я один...
переустанавливал сам не раз, конфиги копи-пастой закидывал из бэка и всё работало... а тут такое...
готов оплатить квалифицированную помощь.
odin ( 2013-01-22 14:25:42 +0400 )редактироватьskype: yarick_perm стучите, посмотрим куда вы что копируете
awsswa ( 2013-01-22 15:55:05 +0400 )редактироватьУРА! пофиксили! знайте, кому интересно:
в extensions.conf было типа такого обращение к шаблону:
[ preved ] ( medved )
раньше описания шаблона
[ medved ] ( ! )
и файлик не обрабатывался.
теперь буду смотреть САМ, почему на стадии загрузки диалпланов у меня астериск не матюгался на этот файлик... и почему вообще такая ситуация случилась...
ЗЫ: отдельное спасибо samael28 и zzuz за "юморок"... чтоб у вас ребята всегда стояло и никогда не падало...
odin ( 2013-01-22 21:50:10 +0400 )редактировать