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не загружаются экстеншены


у нас проблемы с Астериском:

перестала работать связь, переустановил Астериск и скопировал в него настройки. пиры есть, регистрации подключились. (кроме SIP ничего нет, и пока не надо)


1.не загружаются экстеншены, не работает связь

2.входящий трафик падает на демо-экстеншен 's'

 == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Executing [s@default:1] wait("SIP/akvareliCORP-00000011", "1")
    -- Executing [s@default:1] answer("SIP/akvareliCORP-00000011", "")
    -- Digit timeout set to 5.000
    -- Response timeout set to 10.000
    -- Executing [s@default:1] background("SIP/akvareliCORP-00000011", "demo-congrats")
    -- <SIP/akvareliCORP-00000011> Playing 'demo-congrats.alaw' (language 'ru')

не поможете разобраться, где и что поправить?

есть ощущение, что не подгружаются экстеншены и контексты...

dialplan show
[ Context 'app_queue_gosub_virtual_context' created by 'app_queue' ]
  's' =>            1. NoOp()                                     [app_queue]

[ Context 'app_dial_gosub_virtual_context' created by 'app_dial' ]
  's' =>            1. NoOp()                                     [app_dial]

[ Context 'parkedcalls' created by 'features' ]
  '700' =>          1. Park()                                     [features]

[ Context 'local' created by 'pbx_lua' ]
  Alt. Switch =>    'Lua/'                                        [pbx_lua]

[ Context 'demo' created by 'pbx_lua' ]
  Alt. Switch =>    'Lua/'                                        [pbx_lua]

[ Context 'default' created by 'pbx_lua' ]
  Alt. Switch =>    'Lua/'                                        [pbx_lua]

-= 3 extensions (3 priorities) in 6 contexts. =-
 odin_ac (21:52:19 21/01/2013) 

CLI> dialplan reload
Dialplan reloaded.
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf':   == Found

не помогает...

может где-то в конфигах каких-то проверить надо?

вот еще портянка, на всякий случай... CLI>reload /var/log/asterisk/full

[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_additional.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] logger.c:  Asterisk Queue Logger restarted
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] cel.c:     -- CEL logging disabled.
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_calendar.so' (Asterisk Calendar integration)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_crypto.so' (Cryptographic Digital Signatures)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_odbc.so' (ODBC resource)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_adsi.so' (ADSI Resource)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_jabber.so' (AJI - Asterisk Jabber Interface)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_stun_monitor.so' (STUN Network Monitor)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_fax.so' (Generic FAX Applications)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'pbx_lua.so' (Lua PBX Switch)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Registered extension context 'default'; registrar: pbx_lua
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Including switch 'Lua/' in context 'default'
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Registered extension context 'demo'; registrar: pbx_lua
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Including switch 'Lua/' in context 'demo'
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Registered extension context 'local'; registrar: pbx_lua
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Including switch 'Lua/' in context 'local'
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls'; registrar: features
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(parkedcalls) to new(parkedcalls) context, registrar = pbx_lua
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Registered extension context 'app_dial_gosub_virtual_context'; registrar: app_dial
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(app_dial_gosub_virtual_context) to new(app_dial_gosub_virtual_context) context, registrar = pbx_lua
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to app_dial_gosub_virtual_context
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Registered extension context 'app_queue_gosub_virtual_context'; registrar: app_queue
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- merging incls/swits/igpats from old(app_queue_gosub_virtual_context) to new(app_queue_gosub_virtual_context) context, registrar = pbx_lua
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to app_queue_gosub_virtual_context
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Time to scan old dialplan and merge leftovers back into the new: 0.000084 sec
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Time to restore hints and swap in new dialplan: 0.000004 sec
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Time to delete the old dialplan: 0.000011 sec
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] pbx.c:     -- Total time merge_contexts_delete: 0.000099 sec
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_musiconhold.so' (Music On Hold Resource)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold_additional.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] res_musiconhold.c:     -- Files not found in /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3 for moh class:default
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_config_ldap.so' (LDAP realtime interface)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_ldap.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] NOTICE[29353] res_config_ldap.c: No directory user found, anonymous binding as default.
[Jan 22 14:04:00] ERROR[29353] res_config_ldap.c: No directory URL or host found.
[Jan 22 14:04:00] NOTICE[29353] res_config_ldap.c: Cannot reload LDAP RealTime driver.
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_phoneprov.so' (HTTP Phone Provisioning)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/users.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/phoneprov.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'app_meetme.so' (MeetMe conference bridge)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme_additional.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sla.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'chan_unistim.so' (UNISTIM Protocol (USTM))
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_config_pgsql.so' (PostgreSQL RealTime Configuration Driver)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_rtp_asterisk.so' (Asterisk RTP Stack)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[24127] chan_unistim.c:  Reloading unistim.conf...
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'chan_iax2.so' (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2))
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[24127] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/unistim.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[24127] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] ERROR[29353] chan_iax2.c: Unable to load config iax.conf
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'cel_pgsql.so' (PostgreSQL CEL Backend)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'codec_speex.so' (Speex Coder/Decoder)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'cdr_manager.so' (Asterisk Manager Interface CDR Backend)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'cel_custom.so' (Customizable Comma Separated Values CEL Backend)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'chan_agent.so' (Agent Proxy Channel)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_clialiases.so' (CLI Aliases)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_http_post.so' (HTTP POST support)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'app_queue.so' (True Call Queueing)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] NOTICE[29353] app_queue.c: queuerules.conf has not changed since it was last loaded. Not taking any action.
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_general_additional.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_custom_general.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_additional.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues_post_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'chan_dahdi.so' (DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI & SS7)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'pbx_dundi.so' (Distributed Universal Number Discovery (DUNDi))
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dundi.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'codec_adpcm.so' (Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'chan_mgcp.so' (Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP))
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'app_followme.so' (Find-Me/Follow-Me Application)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'codec_alaw.so' (A-law Coder/Decoder)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'cel_odbc.so' (ODBC CEL backend)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cel_odbc.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[24122] chan_mgcp.c:  Reloading MGCP
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'func_odbc.so' (ODBC lookups)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'cdr_custom.so' (Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_custom.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'cdr_odbc.so' (ODBC CDR Backend)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'cel_manager.so' (Asterisk Manager Interface CEL Backend)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'app_playback.so' (Sound File Playback Application)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'chan_skinny.so' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))
[Jan 22 14:04:00] NOTICE[29353] chan_skinny.c: Configuring skinny from skinny.conf
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/skinny.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'chan_jingle.so' (Jingle Channel Driver)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_config_mysql.so' (MySQL RealTime Configuration Driver)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] res_config_mysql.c:   == MySQL RealTime reloaded.
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'cdr_csv.so' (Comma Separated Values CDR Backend)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'codec_lpc10.so' (LPC10 2.4kbps Coder/Decoder)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'codec_ulaw.so' (mu-Law Coder/Decoder)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'codec_g722.so' (ITU G.722-64kbps G722 Transcoder)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'app_voicemail.so' (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System))
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'codec_gsm.so' (GSM Coder/Decoder)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'chan_sip.so' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP))
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'cdr_adaptive_odbc.so' (Adaptive ODBC CDR backend)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[24107] chan_sip.c:  Reloading SIP
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_config_odbc.so' (Realtime ODBC configuration)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'app_minivm.so' (Mini VoiceMail (A minimal Voicemail e-mail System))
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'codec_dahdi.so' (Generic DAHDI Transcoder Codec Translator)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'app_amd.so' (Answering Machine Detection Application)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'cdr_mysql.so' (MySQL CDR Backend)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] cdr.c:   == Unregistered 'mysql' CDR backend
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'res_config_curl.so' (Realtime Curl configuration)
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_curl.conf': [Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] config.c:   == Found
[Jan 22 14:04:00] VERBOSE[29353] loader.c:     -- Reloading module 'codec_g726.so' (ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder)
удалить закрыть спам изменить тег редактировать

спросил 2013-01-22 13:14:54 +0400

odin Gravatar odin
1 1 2

обновил 2013-01-22 15:12:09 +0400


Как копировали, почему перестало работать? Кто вообще этим занимался? Вы что, уволили системного администратора без выплат?

samael28 ( 2013-01-22 14:06:43 +0400 )редактировать

100% так и было))

zzuz ( 2013-01-22 14:08:58 +0400 )редактировать

было так:

настраивали систему вдвоем, друг в армию ушел, вернулся, ушел с повышением, теперь я один...

переустанавливал сам не раз, конфиги копи-пастой закидывал из бэка и всё работало... а тут такое...

готов оплатить квалифицированную помощь.

odin ( 2013-01-22 14:25:42 +0400 )редактировать

skype: yarick_perm стучите, посмотрим куда вы что копируете

awsswa ( 2013-01-22 15:55:05 +0400 )редактировать

УРА! пофиксили! знайте, кому интересно:

в extensions.conf было типа такого обращение к шаблону:

[ preved ] ( medved )

раньше описания шаблона

[ medved ] ( ! )

и файлик не обрабатывался.

теперь буду смотреть САМ, почему на стадии загрузки диалпланов у меня астериск не матюгался на этот файлик... и почему вообще такая ситуация случилась...

ЗЫ: отдельное спасибо samael28 и zzuz за "юморок"... чтоб у вас ребята всегда стояло и никогда не падало...

odin ( 2013-01-22 21:50:10 +0400 )редактировать

Будьте первым, кто ответит на этот вопрос!

Please start posting your answer anonymously - your answer will be saved within the current session and published after you log in or create a new account. Please try to give a substantial answer, for discussions, please use comments and please do remember to vote (after you log in)!
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Задан: 2013-01-22 13:14:54 +0400

Просмотрен: 5,656 раз

Обновлен: Jan 22 '13

Проект компании "АТС Дизайн"
Asterisk® и Digium® являются зарегистрированными торговыми марками компании Digium, Inc., США.
IP АТС Asterisk распространяется под лицензией GNU GPL.