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asterisk gui not implemented


Добрый вечер или день уважаемые коллеги!

У меня к вам вот такой вопрос:

Поставил я debian 6 и решил на нее накатить asterisk дабы вкусить всю прелесть ip телефонии. Поставил из репозиториев, а gui через svn.

в итоге:

при обращении через браузер пишет: not implemented

делал сим линк, все равно тоже самое.

Проверял права.

Если не трудно пните где косяк. Спасибо

удалить закрыть спам изменить тег редактировать

спросил 2011-02-22 18:18:15 +0400

arootkov Gravatar arootkov
41 15 5 14

5 Ответов


Посмотрите файлы manager.conf & http.conf, строки enabled.

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ответил 2011-02-22 18:23:45 +0400

litnimax Gravatar litnimax
1453 11 8 29

По прежнему не работает web интерфейс

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ответил 2011-02-24 11:12:34 +0400

arootkov Gravatar arootkov
41 15 5 14

Попробуй использовать IE !

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ответил 2011-02-24 19:28:21 +0400

alexcr Gravatar alexcr
3124 10 9 51

В итоге когда я иду браузером на ip:8088 я вижу Not Implemented

Attempt to use unimplemented / unsupported method

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ответил 2011-02-24 10:09:54 +0400

arootkov Gravatar arootkov
41 15 5 14

Вот вывод конфигурационных файлов

cat /etc/asterisk/manager.conf

; Asterisk Call Management support

; By default asterisk will listen on localhost only. 
port = 5038

; No access is allowed by default.
; To set a password, create a file in /etc/asterisk/manager.d
; use creative permission games to allow other serivces to create their own
; files
;#include "manager.d/*.conf" 
write= system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,config


cat /etc/asterisk/manager.conf ; ; Asterisk Call Management support ;

; By default asterisk will listen on localhost only. 
port = 5038

; No access is allowed by default.
; To set a password, create a file in /etc/asterisk/manager.d
; use creative permission games to allow other serivces to create their own
; files
;#include "manager.d/*.conf" 
write= system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,config
root@ats:/usr/share/asterisk# cat /etc/asterisk/h
h323.conf  http.conf  
root@ats:/usr/share/asterisk# cat /etc/asterisk/h
h323.conf  http.conf  
root@ats:/usr/share/asterisk# cat /etc/asterisk/http.conf 
; Asterisk Builtin mini-HTTP server
; Note about Asterisk documentation:
;   If Asterisk was installed from a tarball, then the HTML documentation should
;   be installed in the static-http/docs directory which is
;   (/var/lib/asterisk/static-http/docs) on linux by default.  If the Asterisk
;   HTTP server is enabled in this file by setting the "enabled", "bindaddr",
;   and "bindport" options, then you should be able to view the documentation
;   remotely by browsing to:
;       http://<server_ip>:<bindport>/static/docs/index.html
; Whether HTTP/HTTPS interface is enabled or not.  Default is no.
; This also affects manager/rawman/mxml access (see manager.conf)
; Address to bind to, both for HTTP and HTTPS.  Default is
; Port to bind to for HTTP sessions (default is 8088)
; Prefix allows you to specify a prefix for all requests
; to the server.  The default is blank.  If uncommented
; all requests must begin with /asterisk
; Whether Asterisk should serve static content from http-static
; Default is no.
; Redirect one URI to another.  This is how you would set a
; default page.  
;   Syntax: redirect=<from here> <to there>
; For example, if you are using the Asterisk-gui,
; it is convenient to enable the following redirect:
redirect=/ /static/config/index.html
; HTTPS support. In addition to enabled=yes, you need to
; explicitly enable ssl, define the port to use,
; and have a certificate somewhere.
; sslenable=yes     ; enable ssl - default no.
; sslbindport=4433  ; port to use - default is 8089
; sslbindaddr=   ; address to bind to - default is bindaddr.
; sslcert=/tmp/foo.pem  ; path to the certificate
; To produce a certificate you can e.g. use openssl
;   openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out /tmp/foo.pem -keyout /tmp/foo.pem

; The post_mappings section maps URLs to real paths on the filesystem.  If a
; POST is done from within an authenticated manager session to one of the
; configured POST mappings, then any files in the POST will be placed in the
; configured directory.
; In this example, if the prefix option is set to "asterisk", then using the
; POST URL: /asterisk/uploads will put files in /var/lib/asterisk/uploads/.
;uploads = /var/lib/asterisk/uploads/
;backups = /var/lib/asterisk/gui_backups
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ответил 2011-02-24 09:53:47 +0400

arootkov Gravatar arootkov
41 15 5 14

обновил 2011-02-24 19:27:49 +0400

alexcr Gravatar alexcr
3124 10 9 51

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Задан: 2011-02-22 18:18:15 +0400

Просмотрен: 1,680 раз

Обновлен: Feb 24 '11

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Asterisk® и Digium® являются зарегистрированными торговыми марками компании Digium, Inc., США.
IP АТС Asterisk распространяется под лицензией GNU GPL.