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Конвертация кодеков (chan_dongle и huawei E150)


При звонке с софтофона через модем я слышу отлично, а меня не слышат.

[Aug  2 10:08:24] WARNING[1118]: chan_sip.c:6316 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type slin, while native formats is 0x4 (ulaw) read/write = 0x4 (ulaw)/0x4 (ulaw)
[Aug  2 10:08:24] WARNING[1118]: chan_sip.c:6316 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type slin, while native formats is 0x4 (ulaw) read/write = 0x4 (ulaw)/0x4 (ulaw)
[Aug  2 10:08:24] WARNING[1118]: chan_sip.c:6316 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type slin, while native formats is 0x4 (ulaw) read/write = 0x4 (ulaw)/0x4 (ulaw)


type = friend
callerid = User One <1001>
secret = 1001
host = dynamic
canreinvite = no
dtmfmode = rfc2833
mailbox = 1001
disallow = all
allow = ulaw
transport = udp


interval=15                     ; Number of seconds between trying to connect to devices
; now you can set here any not required device settings as template
;   sure you can overwrite in any [device] section this default values

context=default                 ; context for incoming calls
group=0                         ; calling group
rxgain=0                        ; increase the incoming volume; may be negative
txgain=0                        ; increase the outgoint volume; may be negative
autodeletesms=yes               ; auto delete incoming sms
resetdongle=yes                 ; reset dongle during initialization with ATZ command
u2diag=-1                       ; set ^U2DIAG parameter on device (0 = disable everything except modem function) ; -1 not us$
usecallingpres=yes              ; use the caller ID presentation or not
callingpres=allowed_passed_screen ; set caller ID presentation          by default use default network settings
disablesms=no                   ; disable of SMS reading from device when received
                                ;  chan_dongle has currently a bug with SMS reception. When a SMS gets in during a
                                ;  call chan_dongle might crash. Enable this option to disable sms reception.
                                ;  default = no

language=en                     ; set channel default language
smsaspdu=yes                    ; if 'yes' send SMS in PDU mode, feature implementation incomplete and we strongly recommend$
mindtmfgap=45                   ; minimal interval from end of previews DTMF from begining of next in ms
mindtmfduration=80              ; minimal DTMF tone duration in ms
mindtmfinterval=200             ; minimal interval between ends of DTMF of same digits in ms

callwaiting=auto                ; if 'yes' allow incoming calls waiting; by default use network settings
                                ; if 'no' waiting calls just ignored
disable=no                      ; OBSOLETED by initstate: if 'yes' no load this device and just ignore this section

initstate=start                 ; specified initial state of device, must be one of 'stop' 'start' 'remote'
                                ;   'remove' same as 'disable=yes'

exten=+1234567890               ; exten for start incoming calls, only in case of Subscriber Number not available!, also set$

dtmf=relax                      ; control of incoming DTMF detection, possible values:
                                ;   off    - off DTMF tones detection, voice data passed to asterisk unaltered
                                ;              use this value for gateways or if not use DTMF for AVR or inside dialplan
                                ;   inband - do DTMF tones detection
                                ;   relax  - like inband but with relaxdtmf option

; dongle required settings
audio=/dev/ttyUSB1              ; tty port for audio connection;        no default value
data=/dev/ttyUSB2               ; tty port for AT commands;             no default value

; or you can omit both audio and data together and use imei=123456789012345 and/or imsi=123456789012345
;  imei and imsi must contain exactly 15 digits !
;  imei/imsi discovery is available on Linux only

; if audio and data set together with imei and/or imsi audio and data has precedence
;   you can use both imei and imsi together in this case exact match by imei and imsi required

kmod-huawei-voice установил.

Что с конвертацией кодеков не так? Что исправить?

удалить закрыть спам изменить тег редактировать

спросил 2011-08-02 08:38:31 +0400

starzkv Gravatar starzkv
373 20 6 20

обновил 2011-08-02 08:48:54 +0400

3 Ответа


core show translation

ссылка удалить спам редактировать

ответил 2011-08-02 10:38:33 +0400

cvieri Gravatar cvieri
673 12 5 21


Это читал http://asterisk-support.ru/forum/topics/3679/. Сюда выложить ответ на core show translation? Все стоит по умолчанию после установки. Что то в конфигах менять надо или кодеки добавить? starzkv ( 2011-08-02 10:45:20 +0400 )редактировать
Да, выложи сюда + удали disallow = all allow = ulaw и попробуй ещё раз cvieri ( 2011-08-02 10:49:00 +0400 )редактировать
Ок. Спасибо. Вечером попробую и выложу. starzkv ( 2011-08-02 11:01:53 +0400 )редактировать
Астериск какой? 1.8 видимо? Ecuador ( 2011-08-03 06:09:05 +0400 )редактировать
Да. на ubuntu server. Решил что в консоли будет проще разобраться чем через WEB-интерфейс. starzkv ( 2011-08-03 13:08:42 +0400 )редактировать
           g723   gsm  ulaw  alaw g726aal2 adpcm  slin lpc10  g729 speex  ilbc  g726  g722 siren7 siren14 slin16  g719 speex16 testlaw
     g723     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -       -      -     -       -       -
      gsm     -     -     2     2     8001     2     1  8002     -     -     -  8001     2      -       -   8002     -       -       2
     ulaw     -  8002     -     1     8001     2     1  8002     -     -     -  8001     2      -       -   8002     -       -       2
     alaw     -  8003     1     -     8002     3     2  8003     -     -     -  8002     3      -       -   8003     -       -       3
 g726aal2     - 12002  4002  4002        -  4002  4001 12002     -     -     - 12001  4002      -       -  12002     -       -    4002
    adpcm     - 12001  4001  4001    12000     -  4000 12001     -     -     - 12000  4001      -       -  12001     -       -    4001
     slin     -  8001     1     1     8000     1     -  8001     -     -     -  8000     1      -       -   8001     -       -       1
    lpc10     - 12001  4001  4001    12000  4001  4000     -     -     -     - 12000  4001      -       -  12001     -       -    4001
     g729     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -       -      -     -       -       -
    speex     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -       -      -     -       -       -
     ilbc     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -       -      -     -       -       -
     g726     - 12001  4001  4001    12000  4001  4000 12001     -     -     -     -  4001      -       -  12001     -       -    4001
     g722     - 12002  4002  4002    12001  4002  4001 12002     -     -     - 12001     -      -       -   8000     -       -    4002
   siren7     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -       -      -     -       -       -
  siren14     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -       -      -     -       -       -
   slin16     - 20003 12003 12003    20002 12003 12002 20003     -     -     - 20002  8001      -       -      -     -       -   12003
     g719     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -       -      -     -       -       -
  speex16     -     -     -     -        -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      -       -      -     -       -       -
  testlaw     -  8002     2     2     8001     2     1  8002     -     -     -  8001     2      -       -   8002     -       -       -
ссылка удалить спам редактировать

ответил 2011-08-03 14:01:17 +0400

starzkv Gravatar starzkv
373 20 6 20

Проблемы могут быть и в файрволе, и в сипе, и в модуле, и в USB, и в самом модеме.

ссылка удалить спам редактировать

ответил 2011-09-10 19:48:42 +0400

bg1 Gravatar bg1

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Задан: 2011-08-02 08:38:31 +0400

Просмотрен: 6,589 раз

Обновлен: Sep 10 '11

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