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Задача анонс только времени ожидания без обьявления позиции в очереди
Сообщений: 14


Люди хелп плизз.
Задача анонс только вероятного времени ожидания без объявления позиции в очереди.
маны говорят следующее:

; Как часто абоненту, ожидающему в очереди вызовов, сообщать его позицию и/или
; приблизительное время ожидания обработки его вызова (0=выключено)
;announce-frequency = 90
; Нужно ли нам включать в периодический анонс приблизительное время ожидания
; обработки вызова абонента?
; Возможные значения: yes, no, или once (только один раз); время ожидания будет
; сообщаться только в том случае, если абонент ожидает своей очереди более 1 минуты.
;announce-holdtime = yes|no|once

но на практике не удалось достигнуть желаемого результата Asterisk 1.4.24
есть у кого нибудь идеи.
заранее спасибо.
2010-11-19 16:06

Сообщений: 14

Re: announce-holdtime

нашел параметр announce-position=yes|no
но на сколько я понял он работает в ветке 1.6 или я ошибаюсь?
2010-11-22 12:28

Сообщений: 14

Re: announce-holdtime



Understanding announcements
The key point with announcements is that they are only played within the timeout/retry period set on the queue. For the most part this works OK as when all queue members are busy/unavailable, the timeout/retry period is effectively ignored (i.e. you can consider the queue to always be in this state) and announcements will be played as per your setting of the announce-frequency and periodic-announce-frequency parameters. When a handset is available and the queue is ringing it, the timeout/retry timeouts become critical. For example, if you want announcements every 20 seconds, but the timeout is set to 60 seconds, when a queue member is ringing, you will only ever get announcements every 60 seconds.

; Queue position announce?
; Either yes or no. If turned off, only the holdtime will be announced (as configured in announce-holdtime) (1.6.X default=no)
'announce-position' = yes | no

'announce-frequency' controls how often the queue position (if 'announce-position' is set), estimated hold time ('announce-holdtime') and the thank you file ('queue-thankyou') are played.

'min-announce-frequency' defines a minimum time which must pass between position/holdtime announcements. This stops the caller receiving multiple queue position announcement messages in quick succession for a queue that has many callers and is being serviced quickly.

'periodic-announce-frequency' defines how often the file(s) defined in 'periodic-announce' are played.

Note that calls are not offered to queue members whilst the announcement is playing and it is possible for callers to slip ahead in the queue as a result. For example, call 1 arrives and is queued. Call 2 arrives ten seconds later and is queued. After twenty seconds, call 1 is played the periodic announce message. Exactly one second after call 1 starts hearing the message an agent becomes free. Since call 1 is tied up with announcements, call 2 is successfully offered to the agent. Call 1 remains on hold and yet a call which arrived later has been serviced.
2010-11-23 13:04

Сообщений: 14

Re: announce-holdtime

актуальный ман по app_queue.c
вопрос в какой версии данные вкусности появились


; How often to announce queue position and/or estimated
; holdtime to caller (0=off)
; Note that this value is ignored if the caller's queue
; position has changed (see min-announce-frequency)
;announce-frequency = 90
; The absolute minimum time between the start of each
; queue position and/or estimated holdtime announcement
; This is useful for avoiding constant announcements
; when the caller's queue position is changing frequently
; (see announce-frequency)
;min-announce-frequency = 15
; How often to make any periodic announcement (see periodic-announce)
; Should the periodic announcements be played in a random order? Default is no.
; If set to yes, the periodic announcment frequency will be timed from the end
; of each announcment rather than from the start of each announcment. This
; defaults to off.
; Should we include estimated hold time in position announcements?
; Either yes, no, or only once.
; Hold time will be announced as the estimated time.
;announce-holdtime = yes|no|once
; Queue position announce?
; Valid values are "yes," "no," "limit," or "more." If set to "no," then the caller's position will
; never be announced. If "yes," then the caller's position in the queue will be announced
; to the caller. If set to "more," then if the number of callers is more than the number
; specified by the announce-position-limit option, then the caller will hear that there
; are more than that many callers waiting (i.e. if a caller number 6 is in a queue with the
; announce-position-limit set to 5, then that caller will hear that there are more than 5
; callers waiting). If set to "limit," then only callers within the limit specified by announce-position-limit
; will have their position announced.
;announce-position = yes
; If you have specified "limit" or "more" for the announce-position option, then the following
; value is what is used to determine what announcement to play to waiting callers. If you have
; set the announce-position option to anything else, then this will have no bearing on queue operation
;announce-position-limit = 5
; What's the rounding time for the seconds?
; If this is non-zero, then we announce the seconds as well as the minutes
; rounded to this value.
; Valid values are 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30.
; announce-round-seconds = 10
; Use these sound files in making position/holdtime announcements. The
; defaults are as listed below -- change only if you need to.
2010-11-23 13:30

Сообщений: 14

Re: announce-holdtime

нашел параметр announce-position=yes|no
Да только начиная 1.6.x почвился данный парметр в ветке 1.4 его нет совсем
2010-11-23 15:01

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