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chan_mobile установка и настройка

Сообщений: 181

chan_mobile установка и настройка

-- Bluetooth Device NOKIA has connected, initializing...
-- Bluetooth Device NOKIA initialized and ready.
-- Bluetooth Device NOKIA has disconnected.
Как лечится данная ошибка? в логах было упоминание 104 ошибки
испробовал много телефонов, много блютузов - везде одно.. такая ошибка.

перетекаем на http://forum.asterisk.ru
2010-10-18 17:24

Откуда: AST
Сообщений: 280

Re: chan_mobile установка и настройка

address=00:17:E4:AD:CA:AB ;мак телефона port=4


между ;мак телефона и port=4 нужен ENTER

версия астера какая ?
debug что показывает и за чего разрыв ?
2010-10-18 21:41

Сообщений: 181

Re: chan_mobile установка и настройка

[root@localhost asterisk]# tail /var/log/asterisk/full
]Oct 16 13:55:42] DEBUG[25821] chan_mobile.c: rfcomm_write() (15) [AT+CLIP=1
[Oct 16 13:55:42] DEBUG[25821] chan_mobile.c: [blue1] OK
[Oct 16 13:55:42] DEBUG[25821] chan_mobile.c: [blue1] caling line indication enabled
]Oct 16 13:55:42] DEBUG[25821] chan_mobile.c: rfcomm_write() (15) [AT+VGS=15
[Oct 16 13:55:42] VERBOSE[25821] chan_mobile.c: -- Bluetooth Device blue1 initialized and ready.
[Oct 16 13:55:42] DEBUG[25821] chan_mobile.c: [blue1] OK
[Oct 16 13:55:42] DEBUG[25821] chan_mobile.c: [blue1] volume level synchronization successful
[Oct 16 13:55:42] DEBUG[25821] chan_mobile.c: [blue1] +VGS: 0
[Oct 16 13:55:42] DEBUG[25821] chan_mobile.c: [blue1] error reading from device: Connection reset by peer (104)
[Oct 16 13:55:42] VERBOSE[25821] chan_mobile.c: -- Bluetooth Device blue1 has disconnected.
[root@localhost asterisk]#
вот :/
перетекаем на http://forum.asterisk.ru
2010-10-18 22:47

Сообщений: 181

Re: chan_mobile установка и настройка

кхм... умудрился подружить * с nokia 5800
соединились все ок, но!
вот что выводит при входящем звонке:
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:1] NoOp("Mobile/blue1-d8d0", "No DID or CID Match") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:2] Answer("Mobile/blue1-d8d0", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:3] Wait("Mobile/blue1-d8d0", "2") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:4] Playback("Mobile/blue1-d8d0", "ss-noservice") in new stack
-- <Mobile/blue1-d8d0> Playing 'ss-noservice.gsm' (language 'en')
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:5] SayAlpha("Mobile/blue1-d8d0", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-pstn:6] Hangup("Mobile/blue1-d8d0", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (from-pstn, s, 6) exited non-zero on 'Mobile/blue1-d8d0'
-- Executing [h@from-pstn:1] Hangup("Mobile/blue1-d8d0", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (from-pstn, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'Mobile/blue1-d8d0'
-- Bluetooth Device blue1 has disconnected.

все хрипит и заикается и No DID or CID Match прям как и datacard...
перетекаем на http://forum.asterisk.ru
2010-10-18 23:32

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