Re: Как организовать алгоритм
Почитай там есть, я сам не делал, но думаю тебе нужна вот эта часть:
# L(x[:y][:z]): Limit the call to 'x' ms, warning when 'y' ms are left, repeated every 'z' ms) Only 'x' is required, 'y' and 'z' are optional. The following special variables are optional for limit calls: (pasted from app_dial.c)
* LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLER - yes|no (default yes) - Play sounds to the caller.
* LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE - yes|no - Play sounds to the callee.
* LIMIT_TIMEOUT_FILE - File to play when time is up.
* LIMIT_CONNECT_FILE - File to play when call begins.
* LIMIT_WARNING_FILE - File to play as warning if 'y' is defined. If LIMIT_WARNING_FILE is not defined, then the default behaviour is to announce ("You have [XX minutes] YY seconds").
Когда сделаешь, опиши сдесь, как и что ты сделал, будут все благодарны!