Re: Asterisk and sccp
Что говорит на
CLI>module unload
CLI>module load
Вот так он стартует -
Loaded /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ => (Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP). Release: 20071213)
== Platform byte order : LITTLE ENDIAN
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sccp.conf': Found
-- GLOBAL: Preferred capability (alaw|ulaw|h263|h263p|h261)
-- Added speeddial 1: Call Me (401)
-- Added device 'SEP0001297406F1' (7971)
-- Added speeddial 1: Call Me (727)
-- Added device 'SEP0013E8B995CD' (7972)
-- Added speeddial 1: Call Me (729)
-- Added device 'SEP0018DE4C57E8' (7973)
-- Added line '409'
-- Added line '410'
-- Added line '402'
-- SCCP channel driver up and running on
-- SCCP listening on
== Registered channel type 'SCCP' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP))
== Registered application 'SetCalledParty'
== Registered application 'SetMessage'
Если ничего, то подозрительно, нужно заглянуть в /var/log/asterisk/full в конец.
Вообще не понятно, в конфиге всё написано с пояснениями, как можно не регаться? Не понимаю! Годы проходят, а в sccp сильно то ничего не меняется.
;type = 7970 ; device type (see below)
;autologin = line79052,,line79052 ; lines list. You can add an empty line for an empty button (7960, 7970, 7940, 7920)
;autologin = 409
;description = IP Communicator ; internal description. Not important
;keepalive = 60 ; set 0 to disable the keepalive check.
;tzoffset = +1
;transfer = on ; enable or disable the transfer capability. It does remove the transfer softkey
;park = on ; take a look to the compile howto. Park stuff is not compiled by default
;speeddial = ; you can add an empty speedial if you want an empty button (7960, 7970, 7920)
;speeddial = 721,Me ; speeddial number and name
;cfwdall = off ; activate the callforward stuff and softkeys
;cfwdbusy = off
;dtmfmode = inband ; inband or outofband. outofband is the native cisco dtmf tone play.
и туда суём нашу конфигу
type => 7971
autologin = 409
description = IP Communicator ; internal description. Not important
keepalive = 60 ; set 0 to disable the keepalive check.
tzoffset = +1
transfer = on ; enable or disable the transfer capability. It does remove the transfer softkey
park = on ; take a look to the compile howto. Park stuff is not compiled by default
;speeddial = ; you can add an empty speedial if you want an empty button (7960, 7970, 7920)
speeddial = 401,Call Me ; speeddial number and name
cfwdall = off ; activate the callforward stuff and softkeys
cfwdbusy = off
dtmfmode = inband ; inband or outofband. outofband is the native cisco dtmf tone play.
device => SEP0001297406F1
Вот вывод команды -
pbx*CLI> sccp show devices
================ =============== ================ ==========
IP Communicator -- SEP0018DE4C57E8 None
IP Communicator -- SEP0013E8B995CD None
IP Communicator -- SEP0001297406F1 None
тут ясно, что не зарегистрированы коммуникаторы.
Если их включить - зарегистрируются.