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Asterisk and MP-202

Problems with DTMF busy signal detection
Сообщений: 12

Asterisk and MP-202

Asterisk doesn't detect the hang up tone. Heard that MP-202 has problems with DTMF signals are there some decision for this?
2008-04-21 20:37

Сообщений: 6521

Re: Asterisk and MP-202

What is - MP-202? FXO gateway?
2008-04-21 22:03

Сообщений: 12

Re: Asterisk and MP-202

MP-202 is Dual FXS Analog Adapter but all I use is just an analog line.
2008-04-22 12:46

Сообщений: 6521

Re: Asterisk and MP-202

Asterisk can't detect hangup tone, because this status (busy, disconnect) is present on FXO devices, and should be regulated on device, not in Asterisk.
When you use Asterisk hardware like PCI FXO/FXS cards with zaptel drivers, then busytones could be detected and it describe in zaptel.conf.
Ask your MP-202 vendor.
2008-04-23 14:31

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