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A-Z VoIP termination, SIP/H323, 24x7 Support

Сообщений: 3

A-Z VoIP termination, SIP/H323, 24x7 Support

Send Calls around the world and pay for traffic only.

There are no additional or hidden costs. Originate traffic and pay only per minutes.
Real benefits are the following:
1. Instant access to A-Z termination
2. Qualitative routes at good price
3. Online Billing with CDR/failed calls
4. 24x7 online Support team
5. SIP and H323, IAX is coming soon (config help)
6. Simple and user friendly interface
7. A lot of other features…

See tariffs at www.AsteriskOUT.com
For the more details please contact our Sales department

Sales Department

e-mail sales@asteriskout.com
msn: sales@asteriskout.com
icq: 240089256
aol: asteriskout
yahoo: asteriskout

Phone +1 866 744 1140 Fax +1 650 429 2109

www.AsteriskOUT.com :::::Send Calls Instantly
2005-06-06 14:19

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