Re: Firefly и Atcom AU-100 USB
За неимением Atcom AU-100 USB берем Planet UP-100 USB (клон полный, только надпись другая)
Ставим Firefly.
Скачиваем USB Dialer for AU-100 ver 1.2.1 (updated at Jan.15)
В диалере выбираем использовать Firefly.
Номер набирает, вызов/отбой работает.
Что я не так делаю?
P.S. Выдержка из хелпа к диалеру
After the Firefly is running, the software would show "Firefly is running."
If the Firefly isn't active on the screen ,just press any DTMF key of the USB phone
(such as 0-9 , * , #),
Firefly Will come to the foreground and pressed key will be sent to Firefly at the same time. To clear the inputted DTMF keys,just press the function key 1.
After you have finished the telephone number'keys, press the green dial key on the USB phone,then Firefly will dial the number automatically..
After the call,press the red hangup key on the USB phone and then Firefly will hangup.