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Это первоапрельская шутка?

Откуда: Stavropol
Сообщений: 8

Это первоапрельская шутка?

2005-04-02 14:03

Откуда: Stavropol
Сообщений: 8

Re: Это первоапрельская шутка?

Блин сразу не заметил:

>New source code structure - C# and .net
>Asterisk 2.0 was moved to a Microsoft platform due to the demand for higher stability and a more secure >foundation. Therefore, the code was quickly moved to C# on the .net platform. This gives Asterisk a lot of >new features, including being fully integrated with Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Active Directory.

:) :)
2005-04-02 14:06

Avatara of navigator
Сообщений: 92

Re: Это первоапрельская шутка?

А мне больше понравилось следующее:
"The C# language gives us much more modern code. And I'm so happy to get rid of the stupid-looking arctic bird, an ugly animal that that couldn't even fly."
И еще:
Removed features
To clean up the product, a lot of functionality was removed. Among them are the SIP protocol driver that never could be implemented correctly anyway.
Срочно все пререходим на asterisk 2.0 ;)
http://www.pbxware.ru - профессиональная техническая поддержка Digium и Asterisk
2005-04-02 15:26

Avatara of litnimax
Откуда: Москва
Сообщений: 3421

Re: Это первоапрельская шутка?

was moved to a Microsoft platform due to the demand for higher stability

The APBX framework makes everything in Asterisk 2.0 hot-pluggable and dynamic, including the PBX itself. With this framework, Asterisk 2.0 will be able to be the host system for almost anything, including the famous Apache.org web server, the SipFoundry SIPx PBX and a Java Runtime Engine. Rumours has it that one developer actually ported the Erlang runtime and executed an Ericsson AXE switch within Asterisk.

With all the user data stored in Active Directory, we finally have the user under full control. Users can dial in to the PBX to change their Windows password.

А это идея!
Неплохо Olle прикололся! Kram Spenser - lol :)
http://pbxware.ru - все для Asterisk! || Switchvox - сделано на Asterisk! Подробности на http://switchvox.ru
2005-04-02 19:25

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