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Ïðèâåòñòâóþ, ALL!
Êòî-íèáóäü ïðîáîâàë óæå spandsp-0.0.3? Â íåãî âñòðîèëè âðîäå ïîääåðæêó Ò.38. Âîò èç CHANGELOGà âåðñèè 0.0.3pre21:
06.05.23 - 0.0.3 - Steve Underwood <steveu@coppice.org>
- T.38 now implemented, though it needs further polishing.
Ïûòàþñü êîìïèëèòü Asterisk v1.2.9.1 ñ ïðîïàò÷åíûì /app/makefile <apps_Makefile.patch è ìîäóëÿìè app_rxfax è app_txfax.

gcc -pipe -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -g3 -Iinclude -I../include -D_
PEENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -O6 -march=i686 -DZAPTEL_OPTIMIZATIONS -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIC -c -o app_rxfax.
o app_rxfax.c
app_rxfax.c: In function â€phase_e_handler’:
app_rxfax.c:105: error: â€t30_stats_t’ has no member named â€column_resolution’
app_rxfax.c:105: error: â€t30_stats_t’ has no member named â€row_resolution’
app_rxfax.c:116: error: â€t30_stats_t’ has no member named â€row_resolution’
app_rxfax.c:122: error: â€t30_stats_t’ has no member named â€row_resolution’
app_rxfax.c: In function â€phase_d_handler’:
app_rxfax.c:147: error: â€t30_stats_t’ has no member named â€columns’
app_rxfax.c:147: error: â€t30_stats_t’ has no member named â€rows’
app_rxfax.c:148: error: â€t30_stats_t’ has no member named â€column_resolution’
app_rxfax.c:148: error: â€t30_stats_t’ has no member named â€row_resolution’
app_rxfax.c: In function â€rxfax_exec’:
app_rxfax.c:281: warning: passing argument 1 of â€fax_init’ from incompatible pointer type
app_rxfax.c:304: warning: passing argument 1 of â€fax_rx’ from incompatible pointer type
app_rxfax.c:307: warning: passing argument 1 of â€fax_tx’ from incompatible pointer type
app_rxfax.c:344: warning: passing argument 1 of â€fax_release’ from incompatible pointer type
make[1]: *** [app_rxfax.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk-'
make: *** [subdirs] Error 1

Ìîäóëè app_rxfax, app_txfax îò spandsp-0.0.2pre26, òàê êàê â 0.0.3 èõ íåò. Âûÿñíèëîñü, ÷òî â íîâîé âåðñèè àâòîð ïîìåíÿë ïåðåìåííûå â t4.c è t30.c, à â app_rxfax èñïîëüçóòñÿ ñòàðûå. Ïûòàëñÿ çàìåíèòü èõ â app_rxfax.c íà íîâûå, asterisk êîìïèëèòñÿ, íî ïðè âûçîâå RxFax(.....) âûëåòàåò ñ Segmentation fault :(

Ìîæåò êòî çíàåò, ãäå âçÿòü app_rxfax è app_txfax ïîä spandsp-0.0.3pre21 ?
2006-06-17 17:02

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